Lindy Burke

This week, our dedicated staff engaged in an intensive Data Week, where every teacher gets the opportunity to delve deep into student data to identify and support each student's next steps in learning. This critical analysis helps us tailor our teaching strategies, ensuring that every student receives the guidance they need to excel. The insights gained will also inform our preparations for the upcoming mid-term reports, enabling us to provide detailed and constructive feedback to students and parents alike.

This week we are also celebrating our Educational Support staff. Our Educational Support (ES) staff are the backbone of our school community, playing a crucial role in the daily operations and the academic and emotional support of our students. Their contributions are invaluable, and we extend our heartfelt thanks for their dedication and hard work. If you see them around the school today, please take the time to say a big “Thank you”. Thank you to: Jodi and Mel in the office, Kathy and Kyle in Level 4, Mitch, Mark, Megan and Chloe in Level 3, Serren, Rach and Andrea in Level 2 and Tahlia and Eilish is Level 1. We certainly couldn’t do our job without you! THANK YOU!

Today, several of our talented students proudly represented Echuca East at the Campaspe District Cross Country. We are incredibly proud of their hard work, dedication, and sportsmanship. As they compete, we wish all our runners the best of success and hope they achieve their personal bests. Go team East! 

Here's wishing everyone a great weekend  - See you all Monday!





Boy oh boy WOWWEEE what a day down at the Campaspe Interschool Cross Country extravaganza 40 odd young Easties took off to do battle against all the other local kids at our annual cross country meeting over at Jack Eddy Oval.

The kids we rearing and ready to go right from the word go and they performed to a high standard! The most pleasing aspect of the day was having two parents from other schools come over to us and say what exemplary manners our kids have and how good it was to see them cheering not only for our kids who were coming first, second, third or fourth in the top twelve but all the others who were still finishing later, they were still giving them the same enthusiasm whether they were coming first or last. A big shout out to the 8 kids who have made it to the top 12 who will go on to do battle at St Arnoud but as I said previously the most pleasing aspect of the whole morning was how we stuck together as we always do in out little East community . Well done Easties keep up the good work!


Noah D'Urso -                1st     11 year old boys

Ryder Roussis -             3rd     12/13 year old boys

Aarav Bhatia -                5th     12/13 year old boys

Lucy McLeod -              5th     9/10 year old girls

Brenton McKenner -    9th     12/13 year old boys

Ashtyn Southcott -       9th     11 year old boys

Patrick Dridan -            10th    12-13 year old boys

Ace Roussis -                11th    9/10 year old boys