It is with great pleasure that your committee is able to present our 2024 Thistlelonian magazine and I hope you enjoy reading of the activities of the past and present life and times of McKinnon Secondary College through the journeys of those who have been proud to have been part of the story which commenced in 1954 as McKinnon High School.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Thistlelonians and what an honour it is to be able to be connected to our school, whether recently graduating or as the Class of 59 - The Originals - celebrating 65 years on. In that time Thistlelonians has raised a substantial amount of money, through reunions and donations, which is all channelled back into the college enabling student awards, purchase of equipment and sponsorship towards student activities.
The support of College Council and the staff at McKinnon allow us to be an integral part of the college community without which we could not function. I am delighted to represent Thistlelonians on College Council. As you will read further on, the McKinnon Secondary College is a mammoth community with 2873 students and 298 staff – and proudly 49 alumni working as teaching and admin staff spread across both campuses.
In this year’s magazine you will see the work of some amazing artists some of whom gained much of their creative nurturing through their time at McKinnon. The college is proud to have their works on display having recently purchased or been donated for all to see.
We were delighted to be able to show off the new East Campus last October when we hosted the Classes of 1963, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1993, 2003, 2013, and 2018 (their first reunion). We were also able to invite the Classes of 2000 and 2001 who had missed their reunion through Covid lockdown.
Earlier that day, College Principal, Michael Kan, hosted the now traditional Principal’s Afternoon Tea and welcomed back the Class of ’73 who were celebrating 50 years since graduation.
Special thanks to Martin West and his music ensemble for their performance. You can view these celebrations further into this edition.
Saturday 26 th October at McKinnon Road Campus will see the return of the Classes of 1959 (The Originals), 1964,1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1994, 2004, 2014 and 2019 - for their first reunion. Also invited will be the Classes of 1990 and 1991 who missed through Covid lockdown.
The Grand Reunion invitation is included in this edition. Please reply and advise others to update their details via our website.
Principal, Michael Kan is welcoming back the Classes of 1959 (The Originals) and 1974 - who celebrate 50 years since leaving McKinnon - for a special afternoon tea earlier on Grand Reunion day Saturday 26 th October.
Andy Leopold taught Science to the class of 1959—The Originals. Andy will be attending the reunion this year, and we are looking forward to seeing him!
Invitations were sent in early September. Please contact us if you did not receive your invitation.
Some will remember when the staff would meet at the East Boundary Pub at lunchtime.....probably to discuss the curriculum!
They are pictured here - the bloke on the left will be the French teacher! Note the transport - not many teachers had cars in those days!! ; )
If you learn of any ex-students who has been honoured in this way, please let us know for our records. We have several ex-students who have received honours for their work and for philanthropy and Thistlelonians would like to acknowledge their award.
Without the input and dedication of our wonderful group of volunteers, we would not be able to exist and I would like to thank those who give of their time and expertise in keeping Thistlelonians running.
- Those who work on the front desk at reunions and the catering and bar helpers who are all crucial for a smooth and exciting time.
- Michael Kan and his Principal Team, teaching, admin, facilities and IT staff whose support throughout the year is invaluable.
- The college Media Team headed by Andrew Krause, for their attention to our various social media accounts and photographing all our activities during the year. Chelsea Stanley – Digital Communications - for her wonderful work in putting this magazine together and maintaining our Facebook and Linkedin postings.
Thank you to all who have donated money towards our Thistlelonian Awards and our uniform display in the MERC building which is always being supplemented by donations of bygone memorabilia from past eras at McKinnon - mothballs and all.
The fellow committee members Andrew Newton, Jenny (Good) Cooke and Pam (Cox) Dickfos believe we have had another great year of keeping our alumni involved with the life of McKinnon Secondary College and all this under the guidance of our dynamic and enthusiastic Administrator, Melanie Lynch.
Thanks for your support and enjoy the reading as we look forward to another fantastic year. Keep a lookout on our social media accounts for all the latest news.
Geoff Woolnough