Learning and Teaching News

Ms Jen Smeed and Mrs Roxanne Rosenberg

Marist Reading Night – Years 6, 7 and 8

In 2023 we held our first Father/Son Reading Night. It was a brilliant initiative that saw over 200 fathers and sons across Years 6, 7 and 8 gather to listen to an author and read alongside each other. The evening finished with shared pizza and drinks.


We are holding this event again TONIGHT at 6:00pm in the Draney Theatre (please note this venue change) where Rupert McCall (OAM) will present. Afterwards, we will be holding a book fair (cashless) and having pizza and a drink. Lucky door prizes are also on offer! It’ll be a great night and I’m looking forward to seeing you all!

Year 10 and 11, 2025 Subject Information Night

Year 10 and 11, 2025 subject information night originally scheduled for the evening of Monday 27 May will now occur on Tuesday 28 May. All students should attend this event with a parent or guardian. More information regarding this evening was emailed to parents of current Year 9 and 10 students on Friday afternoon.


Our Year 10 students are currently working on the preliminary work for SET planning in their careers ASH lessons. I encourage parents and guardians of our Year 10 students to engage in conversation with your young men, to assist their forward planning. The subject selection evening mentioned above will contribute to this process, but we encourage students and families to start investigating future pathways and what may need to happen to allow them to get there. Communication regarding the SET planning process will be released to Year 10 parents shortly.

Years 7 and 8 PAT Testing

On Wednesday 15 May, our Years 7 and 8 boys will participate in ACER Mathematics PAT Testing. This external assessment will gauge your son’s progress in mathematics.

The Mathematics PAT testing will take place in the Champagnat Centre during Period 1 for Year 8 students and Period 4 for Year 7 students. Boys will only require a fully charged laptop for the test.


It's essential to note that this assessment is not something your son needs to study for. The purpose of the Mathematics PAT testing is to assess your child's current understanding of mathematical concepts and identify areas where they may need additional support.

Celebrating our High Potential Learners: Maths Olympiad and Big Science Competition

Our Year 8 and Year 9 Extension Classes were busy last week as they showcased their skills in mathematics and science competitions.


On Wednesday 8 May, our Year 8 Extension Maths classes took part in the first round of the Maths Olympiad. This competition challenges students to push the boundaries of their mathematical knowledge and problem-solving abilities. We commend our students for their dedication and enthusiasm in taking on this challenge. There will be three more competitions over the year.


On Friday 10 May, the academic fever continued as our Year 8 and Year 9 Extension Science classes delved into the Big Science Competition. This event provides an opportunity for our young scientists to explore the wonders of the scientific world and test their understanding across various disciplines.


As we await the results of these competitions, let us continue to celebrate the pursuit of knowledge and the spirit of academic excellence that thrives within our Marist community. Together, we strive to empower our students to unlock their full potential.


Year 12 Academic Interviews

Academic Interviews for each Year 12 student will commence on Thursday 23 May where discussion around your son’s performance and progress will occur. More information about booking these interviews will be emailed home this week.

Year 11 Exam Block

Year 11 End of Unit 1 exam block commenced yesterday and will continue until Friday this week. A copy of the exam block schedule can be found on the Parent Portal.

As with all exam blocks, students are only expected to attend school if they have a scheduled exam or if they have been contacted due to uncompleted tasks.


Student rules during the exam block are as follows:

  • Normal College rules apply.
  • You must arrive to and from school in full winter academic school uniform.
  • You must sign in and out using QR codes.
  • You are to travel directly to and from school without congregating at shops, outside other schools, or the like.
  • You must arrive at the exam room 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
  • You must bring all required equipment (calculator, pens, highlighters, charged laptops, and headphones etc.) in a clear plastic sleeve or container.
  • You are to bring your student ID card and place this on your exam desk for the duration of your exam.
  • You must always adhere to the exam coordinator’s instructions.

As per the College Assessment Policy, if you are unable to attend an exam you will need to provide a medical certificate. Normal absentee procedures should be followed (lodging absence on the portal) with medical documentation and a Request for Reasonable Adjustment Form (forms are located on the portal under the Curriculum Forms tile) forwarded to curriculum@marash.qld.edu.au as well as your Head of House. Your exams will be rescheduled so please keep an eye on your email for these dates and times.


If you have any questions throughout this exam block, please contact curriculum@marash.qld.edu.au.

Year 7-10 End of Semester Exam Block

As per the College calendar, the end of semester exam block for Years 7-10 will be held from 7 June to 13 June. During this time, students will have exams scheduled across morning and afternoon sessions. It is expected that all students will be present during this important assessment period. If you are absent during the exam block, a medical certificate is required. Please note that once you return to school, you will be expected to make up this assessment as soon as possible.


More information about exam block scheduling will be released to students and parents in the coming weeks.

Old Boys Maths Tutoring

It is wonderful that we are able to continue to offer Maths tutoring every morning in Room 402 from 7:40am-8:30am. We have a wonderful group of Old Boys who return each morning to support our boys with their Maths. Any boy from Years 7-12 is welcome to attend.

School Tutoring Opportunities

Tutoring is available for all students, and outlined below are faculties where you can receive assistance:






Every morning 




Tuesday and Thursday 


Science Foyer 



3:30pm - 4:30pm 

Art rooms 


Every morning 



*Other faculties by appointment with the classroom teacher. 

Old Boys Tutoring List

Please find here a list of Old Boys who are available to tutor your son outside of school hours. This list can also be located on the parent portal or via this link. Please note it is the parent’s responsibility to organise and liaise tutoring times with the Old Boys.

Year 12 Night Study Sessions

The Night Study Sessions are weekly study times available to Year 12 students who wish to work in collaboration with their peers for assessment, complete revision, revisit classwork, or work on external exam preparation.


When: Every Wednesday during term time from 5:00pm-8:00pm

Where: Senior Library

Who: 2024 Year 12s only



  • Current ID card is to be presented on arrival
  • All students must sign in and out of the library
  • All standard library rules are to be followed (including no eating)
  • Normal student behaviour expectations apply; if these cannot be met, boys will be prohibited from returning to future sessions
  • Students are free to wear full College uniform or plain clothes
  • Students are free to arrive and leave as they see fit. Supervision is only provided in the library between 5:00pm and 8:00pm
  • Students are to be in the library only. This is not a time for sport or social gatherings.

A librarian will be on duty from 5:00pm to 8:00pm to assist if required; however, these are not tutoring sessions.