Sport News

Mr Derek Lennon, Head of Sport

Last weekend saw Marist travel across the river to Iona College for our sporting fixtures. On Friday night our 1st IV chess team were involved in a thrilling draw that keeps them undefeated as we head into the halfway mark of the season. On Saturday the 1st XI football team put on the best display by a Marist team in a number of years to win the game 4-nil to remain undefeated and in equal first place in the competition. The 1st XV were brave going down by two points to a strong Iona side.


We currently have the following undefeated teams across rugby, football and chess:

  • Rugby - 4ths, 5ths, 10C, 10D, 9A, 9B, 9C, 8C, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 5A, 5B, 5C 
  • Football - 1sts, 2nds, 4ths, 5ths, 7ths, 10A, 9A, 9B, 9C, 8B, 8D, 7A, 7C, 7D, 5B, 5 Blue, 5 White
  • Chess - 1sts, Senior A, Senior B

This weekend we host St Peters Lutheran College here at Ashgrove however there are a large number of supplementary matches so please check the draw carefully.


We are in full swing for our cross country season. With our interhouse championship a couple of weeks ago, last week was the first AIC leadup meet and we are getting ready for Met North trials next week and just over two weeks to go to the AIC championship. Marist has a proud history and tradition in the sport of cross country and we wish all our runners, led by Coordinator Mr Mitch Reid,  the very best as they prepare hard for the AIC championships.  


I commend the Marist community for the way we have conducted ourselves as players, coaches and spectators over the course of the season so far. The vast majority of our community do the right thing and respect the competition, the opposition, the staff and the players and officials. One of the great things about school sport is that it is a safe and inclusive environment with friendly rivalry that challenges us and allows us to perform at our best.


Recently, and particularly on the weekend, involving both colleges, we have seen a very small number of incidents that cannot be an acceptable part of the AIC landscape or be a part of what we are about as Marists. 


At no stage should a player or players feel the need to take matters into their own hands around safety, umpiring or retaliation. These play no part in being a Marist man. Let the umpire deal with any foul play, turn the other cheek to taunts or sledges, and play the game at all times showing respect for the opposition, the officials and the game itself. The code of conduct for players (see below) is a good guide of what is expected of all our players.


Coaches need to remember that this is schoolboy sport. There are priorities higher in value than winning and losing, such as teaching our young men to be good citizens, to play hard but fair and to follow the rules. At no stage should coaches put winning above the expectations outlined in the code of conduct (see below). We must model the behaviours we expect to see from the boys.


Parents and spectators are reminded that this is school sport. The primary aim of participating in sporting contests against other like colleges is to teach life skills to our young men. Staff, coaches and officials make hundreds of decisions on a daily basis in regard to their roles, many of which are complex and challenging. They also have competing interests, as an example, for every positive selection decision there has to be a negative one. The coaches and staff do this with the best of intentions and at all times put the interests of the students first. Should a parent have a concern about a decision, or a member of staff (and this is legitimate from time to time to have concerns) please take a breath, recognize the surroundings and approach the situation in a respectful manner. It is unlikely that addressing the matter during a game or on the sideline will see a positive resolution immediately.


By and large we really do get this right as a community. Our support is positive and encouraging and our players represent the college with pride, commitment and respect each week. The results have been very positive so far this season and so has our efforts and respect. Lets focus hard on the next four weeks to maintain the standards we set and get the best results we can across all our Term 2 sports.

AIC Expectations

Code of Behaviour - Players

Fundamental to the AIC, is our belief in inclusion and fellowship. This means that as a player you are welcoming to everyone and treat them with the greatest levels of respect, protecting the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability/disability, sexual orientation, cultural background, or religion.


As a player who will be representing their college and playing under the auspices of AIC, you play an important role in upholding the values of the AIC and the College. Players need to demonstrate the following behaviours regarding their conduct:

  • Exhibit a high standard of conduct and sportsmanship on and off the field including appropriate language, social media posts, and interaction with officials and opposition players.
  • Respect your opponents by displaying humility in victory and graciousness in defeat.
  • Play in the correct age group and commit to and respect the team that you are selected in.
  • Play hard and competitively, but always fairly and accept the official's decisions.
  • Cooperate with your coach, teammates, opponents, officials, and spectators.
  • Do not sledge, abuse, or threaten opponents or officials.
  • Be punctual to games and have the correct equipment and College attire.
  • Acknowledge the opposition before and after the game with a handshake and thanks.
  • Adhere to host school requirements when playing at their venues.
  • Take pride in representing your College and the AIC.
  • Do not act in a way that may adversely affect or reflect on, or bring you, your team, College or the AIC, into disrepute or discredit.
  • Do not use drugs, including painkillers, to improve or maintain performance.

Code of Behaviour - Coaches

Fundamental to the AIC, is our belief in inclusion and fellowship. This means that as a coach you are welcoming to everyone and treat them with the greatest levels of respect, protecting the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability/disability, sexual orientation, cultural background, or religion.


As a coach who will be representing your College and coaching under the auspices of AIC, you play an important role in upholding the values of the AIC and the College you represent. Coaches need to demonstrate the following behaviours regarding their conduct:

  • Have appropriate training and qualifications to ensure that your team is safe and prepared for competition.
  • Understand and follow the rules and by-laws of the sports involved.
  • Adhere to your duty of care to ensure that injured players receive appropriate care during and after the games.
  • The coach needs to model appropriate sportsmanship and behaviours.
  • Remain calm during and after matches.
  • Respect the dignity of your players as well as those from the opposition.
  • In a spirit of fellowship, meet with the coach from the opposing team, prior to and after the match.
  • Be the first person approached by students or parents should there be any complaint from the match.

Code of Behaviour - Officials

Fundamental to the AIC, is our belief in inclusion and fellowship. This means that as an official you are welcoming to everyone and treat them with the greatest levels of respect, protecting the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability/disability, sexual orientation, cultural background, or religion.


As an official who will be representing your college/or governing body of your sport and participating under the auspices of AIC, you play an important role in upholding the values of the AIC and the College you represent. Officials need to demonstrate the following behaviours regarding their conduct:

  • Model the highest standards of behaviour.
  • Possess and maintain appropriate officiating qualifications for the level of competition.
  • Keep up to date with the latest rules/laws and trends in officiating.
  • Be conversant with the AIC rules and by-laws of the relevant sport.
  • Prioritise the safety and welfare of the participants as the highest concern.
  • Ensure the venue, conditions and equipment are safe.
  • Emphasise the spirit of the game by promoting fair play and respect.
  • Officiate without bias, being consistent and objective in your decision-making.
  • Act on incidences of foul play, unsportsmanlike conduct, and behaviour contrary to the spirit of the game.
  • Communicate respectfully with the players and coaches.

Code of Behaviour - Parents and Spectators

Fundamental to the AIC, is our belief in inclusion and fellowship. This means that as a parent, or a spectator you are welcoming to everyone and treat them with the greatest levels of respect, protecting the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability/disability, sexual orientation, cultural background, or religion.


As a parent/guardian of a student who will be representing their college and playing under the auspices of AIC, you play an important role in upholding the values of the AIC and the College that your son attends.


Parents and spectators need to demonstrate the following behaviours regarding their conduct during any AIC sporting activity:


Be welcoming of other competitors and spectators and always model respectful interactions.

  • Respect referees and officials' decisions and teach your son to do likewise.
  • Remember that your son participates in sport for their own enjoyment.
  • Remember that this is a schoolboy game, and all coaches and match officials are volunteers.
  • Show appreciation for the coaches and teachers - including the opposing team. Without them, your son could not participate.
  • Encourage your son to participate, do not force them. Focus on your son's efforts rather than his performance or the result of the game.
  • Remember that all correspondence around sport should be respectful and appropriate, and directly through your son's College.
  • Never ridicule or yell at your son and other boys for making a mistake.
  • Be a positive role model. Remember that boys learn best by example. Appreciate good performance and skilful play by all participants.
  • AIC events are not an appropriate space/venue for matters involving family disputes. This includes ensuring all parties follow appropriate court orders around visitation and attendance at activities.

The AIC supports all efforts to remove poor behaviour from sporting events. In the event that a parent feels the need to notify the AIC of inappropriate behaviour, they should firstly notify the venue official/College representative at the venue. Following this, any complaint should be then directed to their son's College's Head of Sport or the appropriate member of the College Leadership Team.   

Student Achievements


Congratulations to Harry Cook and Matt Pegg who represented Met North at the recent Queensland State Basketball Titles in Cairns. Both boys performed well for a strong Met North team.



Water Polo

Congratulations to Sean Bright, Tom Sloman, Dylan Jennison, Joseph Cervetto and Angus Cope who represented Met North at the Queensland Representative School Sports Water Polo State Championships recently.


The boys were members of the Met North boys water polo team that went undefeated throughout the Queensland Championships and won gold.  


Tournament 13: All age team of the championship (The best 13 players of the Championships) - Sean Bright, Dylan Jennison, Joseph Cervetto and Angus Cope 


State Team: Sean Bright, Dylan Jennison, Joseph Cervetto and Angus Cope.  


Met North Captain: Sean Bright 


Sean Bright has also been selected in the U18 men’s Australian water polo team to play at world championships. The tour is from June 19 to July 11 starting with preparation tournaments in Sao Poulo, Brazil and then the U18 men’s water polo world championships to be held July 2 to July 9 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This is a remarkable achievement, something everyone at Marist is very proud of Sean for.



Oliver Shinkel has been named in the U18 Queensland Maroon Hockey Team. They are playing in the National Championships at the Gold Coast in July. Well done and best wishes to Oliver for this important event.


Mr Derek Lennon

Another fabulous weekend saw Marist come out on top against Iona College. It was almost a complete domination of the senior school matches with Marist only dropping 2 out of 19 matches across all of Year 7-12. 


After three rounds the football program currently has a win percentage of 73% across all teams. With eight teams in the aggregate competition currently undefeated we have a strong showing for the aggregate competition as well, though SLC will prove a stern challenge in a couple of weeks. 


The 1st XI were dominant throughout the match to record a comfortable 4-nil victory against defending premiers Iona on their turf. It was a high-quality performance throughout with a good blend of technical ability and power, strength and speed to put on one of the most complete performances from a Marist team in years. There are still tough matches to come with SLC and SEC also undefeated and Pats looking like a strong contender as well.


Well done to all our coaches and players on what has been a very strong and positive start to the season. From the way the teams look and present themselves, to the quality of the football we are playing, through to the respect and discipline we are showing it has been a very positive first half of the season.


Congratulations to our pool of student referees, some of whom are in their first year and who have been learning on the job. It is a great experience for the boys and a great help to the college to have you working in this important part of the game.


This weekend we face St Peters Lutheran College. They will provide a stern challenge for all of us, something that we must prepare well for. We look forward to hosting St Peters in the senior matches here at Marist on Saturday for another great round of football.

With the 1sts travelling so well, there has never been a better time to get behind them by staying and watching the boys play. They have been highly entertaining so far this season, combined with winning football, all they need now is for you to get behind them and be there at Cameron at 12:15pm to cheer them on. I know they will lift to another level with a big Blue and Gold Army on the hill cheering them on. 


Marist Rugby Union

Mr Richard Graham – Director of Rugby / Track and Field


Super Saturday – June 1st




Saturday 1 June is this year’s biggest sporting event. 


Marist College vs St Laurence’s College in 30+ games of rugby union. 

Old Boys’ Day

Reunion Day

Boarding Family Day

Celebrations, prizes, giveaways, supporter’s bar...


... all together it creates Super Saturday!!


Reminder For Spectators 

Following some things I witnessed on the weekend, I would like to remind all spectators of their responsibilities and behaviour when watching games here at the College or at our opposition’s venues. Young people learn best by example so I would ask that you -

  • Remember that the students participate in rugby union for their enjoyment, not yours. 
  • Remember our coaches and referees are volunteers. They give their time and resources to ensure players can play the game. 
  • This is a GAME! 
  • The referees are human (and often volunteers). 

Marist College has a zero-tolerance policy for any verbal and / or physical abuse by spectators. Should a spectator’s behaviour be deemed inappropriate, they will be removed from the grounds. 


Round 3 vs Iona College

Photo day and rugby fixtures all make for a busy start to the day. Thanks to everyone for being on time, in the right gear, and ready to get the day started.


It was fantastic to see our Primary rugby union teams home for the first time in the AIC season. There were a lot of junior bumblebees running around on Des Connor Park playing in some very competitive fixtures.


Congratulations to the Year 5 and 6 teams for their performances against a very strong Iona primary. The 5A and 5B teams continued their unbeaten start to the season. Both teams were run close, however some wonderful defence combined with some physical attacking rugby proved the difference in the end. The 5C and 5D teams played in a very competitive 3-way game with Iona 5C’s. Well done to all of the Year 5 teams.


The Year 6 teams had a mixed day of results with the 6A’s going down to Iona, the 6B’s drawing, and the 6C’s winning. A slow start by the Marist teams in the A and B games meant both teams were chasing from the start. The 6B team will look at this game as the one that got away, however well done to fight back into the game for a 7-all draw. Congratulations to the 6C’s for a dominant performance and win over the Iona 6C’s.


Up on Hayden Oval, a clean sweep by the Year 7 cohort is fine reward for the effort of both coaches and students. Well done to everyone for their performances across the morning. Starting with a rousing win in the 7E game and continuing all the way through to the 7A’s. Congratulations to the Marist teams for the manner in which they played their games and for their behaviour both on and off the field.


Over on McMahon Oval, the mighty 8E’s kicked off the day with a game against Ambrose Treacy College’s 8A’s. In what was a tough assignment for the Marist students, they demonstrated resilience and character defending until the final whistle. Well done to all the students involved! The 8D’s were particularly strong performers with a resounding win over their Iona opponents.


Away at Iona College’s playing fields, the Year 9 cohort also had a successful day. It is always a tough road trip and extremely competitive at this year level. Congratulations also to the 9E team who had a hard-fought win against the Padua 9D’s over at Banyo. The training that the coaches and teams are doing during the week is transferring to performance on the weekend. Well done to all the teams and their coaches.


The 10A’s had a fantastic win dominating in a physical encounter, whilst the 10B’s will feel disappointed letting this one slip with a try against them after the siren. Both teams played some superb rugby and will continue to improve. The 10C’s had another strong win and will continue to grow in confidence, whilst the 10D and 10E teams were also successful. Well done to everyone!


The Opens had a could of, should of day out at Iona. The 1st XV, 2nd XV, 3rd XV and 6th XV lost by a combined total of 9 points, whilst the 4th XV, 5th XV and 7th XV had strong wins. I want to make a special mention of the 8th XV who travelled to Banyo to play Padua’s 5th XV. Well done to those students for their efforts.


Congratulations to the students for the wins they had on the weekend, but more importantly for the manner in which they played their games. The mateship and teamwork were evident across all year levels. 


Thanks to our outstanding coordinators and coaching staff for again preparing the boys well for AIC Round 3. We go again this week in preparation for our home game against St Peter’s Lutheran College.  

Photos by David Drew and Pat Hoelscher.



Follow all the 1st XV action on the live stream through the Rugby Xplorer App. Games can also be accessed via or 


Marist Rugby vs St Peter’s Lutheran College (Round 4)

Marist College is hosting AIC Round 4 against St Peter’s Lutheran College this Saturday.


Please make sure you check the Marist app for this weekend’s schedule as there are seven different schools involved. We welcome two GPS schools – Nudgee College and Gregory Terrace this weekend, along with our TAS and AIC regulars to ensure every student gets a game of rugby.


Please note that all students are to arrive at least 45 minutes before their games unless instructed otherwise by your coach. Arrive in Marist rugby playing gear (no thongs or Birkenstocks).


Teams for this weekend will be announced Friday morning.


Rugby Union Training – Term 2

Please ensure you check the Marist app for the Year level training sessions scheduled in Term 2. 


Additionally, refer to the Rugby Union Key Dates Calendar and AIC Draw in the Marist app for information on all games throughout the season.


Thank you to the GPS Rugby Union club for generously allowing our Year 10 cohort to train on their grounds. This has provided us with more field space, enhancing the overall training experience for our students. We are grateful for our strong connection with Jeeps and appreciate the opportunity to be part of the wider rugby community.


Student Unavailability – Commitment and Communication

I want to remind each of the students about the significance of the commitments you've made to your teammates and coaches. Attending all training sessions and games is not a suggestion, it's a commitment. Whilst I understand that genuine reasons that prevent you from attending may arise, in such cases, it's crucial that you communicate promptly.


It is your responsibility to email your respective year level coordinator. You can find their contact details listed on the Marist app. Failing to communicate effectively disrupts the coach's planning and compromises the quality of team training.


If you have any questions, email Mr Richard Graham - Director of Rugby / Track and Field or see him in the Sports Office behind Room 108.


Student Dress

Whilst this is a relatively small problem, I want to remind all students of the dress code to games and during games.


Students travelling to games are to wear their Marist College Ashgrove rugby union uniform. 


During games, students are to wear their full Marist College Ashgrove rugby union uniform including rugby socks. 


Marist Rugby Union – Social Media 



In 2024, the College continues to deliver some wonderful rugby memories through our social media pages. From the smallest bumblebees in Year 5 through to the biggest bumblebees in Year 12, all of it is captured in wonderful colour.


To stay connected with Marist rugby and with all the program’s achievements, please follow our Instagram page @marist_ashgrove_rugby


Marist Track and Field

Mr Richard Graham – Director of Rugby / Track and Field

Mr Rob Martin – Head Coach, Track and Field


Marist Track and Field – Sign-on is open

This year Marist College are looking to win its 10th successive AIC Championship. Students wishing to be part of that unprecedented challenge, please sign on for Track and Field via Students Café. 


Marist Track and Field – Sunday Sessions

This year, Marist College will be looking to win its 10th successive AIC Track and Field Championship. To be successful, a lot of planning, commitment and effort goes into the program across the calendar year.


For all students wanting to train, Mr Rob Martin will continue to run his usual Sunday sessions. Please see below details - 


INCLUDED: Running – sprints and jumps / Throws – early pre-season fitness and cross training, along with throwing.

WHEN: Sunday afternoons

WHERE: Hayden Oval

TIME: 3:15-4:45pm 

DRESS: Marist sport shirt, Marist sports shorts, white or blue socks.


Marist Track and Field – Social Media 


Marist College has continued to showcase incredible moments in Track and Field again this year, from Year 5 victories to exceptional feats by our Year 12 students, all vividly captured on our social media pages.


Follow us and stay up-to-date with Marist Track and Field on Instagram - @marist_ashgrove_sports


Mr Andrew Ward


Welcome to week 5 of the term, and one week out from our trials for AIC tennis and the beginning of selection for our teams for competition in Term 3.


Please keep in mind trials are mainly for us coaches to see the standard of students who we do not see on a regular basis. It takes us time to look at new players and see how they will go in match-type situations and for us to get familiar with their swing patterns and game psychology.


Players who are coached here at Marist, we will already know your child’s playing ability so there is no need to come along until week 8 of trials unless you really want to.


It is imperative, though, to sign up for tennis on the APP to give us an understanding of the number of players we would be looking at each trial session.


This is up now and ready to go.


Trial sessions for the rest of this term (Weeks 6 - 9):


Year 8 Tuesday - 6:45am-7:45am

Year 6 Tuesday - 7:15am-8:15am

Year 5 Thursday - 7:15am-8:15am

Year 7 Thursday - 5:00-6:00pm

Year 9 Friday - 3:30pm-4:30pm

Year 10 Friday - 3:30pm-4:30pm


For any more information, please contact Jade or myself, and we will be happy to help in any way we can.


Email: or call me on 0437 449 523 which is the tennis phone number for all things tennis.


Coaching Term 3

We will still be holding squad sessions in Term 3, and we will be offering only the Preparation Squad and Junior Development squads at this time for Term 3.


A reminder for Term 3 for any student picked to represent their year level in AIC of the coaching deal for private coaching. ½ or 1 Hr. lessons.


Cost $275 half-hour and $550 for an hour lesson as a term fee. Lessons will run until the last round is played in Term 3.


Saturday Fixtures

It is fastly coming to an end with Round 13 this weekend and finals in Week 16. Any team making the semi-final will play on 8 June 2024 and if successful, play in the Grand Final on 15 June 2024. Let's go, team.


AIC Opens Team Trials

These are on now. Monday and Wednesday afternoons 3:30pm-5:00pm.

We would love to see more students attend these sessions to keep them viable. Invites have been sent for some top-year-level players to train with the top players at the school.

Round 3 Results