From Your P&F

Sports Canteens

Thank you to all of the volunteers who supported sports canteens Saturday 11 May:


Annette Adams, Kylie Blaker, Jenny Burg, Laura Cairns, Kelly Fowler, Rowena Hardiker, Sue Hartfiel, Jade Katter, Rebecca Lauder, Alece Loli, Polly McConnell, Kath Nolan, Clare Novak, Steve Novak, Jacklyn Osborn, Alison Phelan, Elaine Pye, Libbi Rigby, Sarah Ryan, Caroline Saunders, Tim Slack, Matthew Stigter, Rachel Stigter, Stephen Walker, Kristy Whitham, Kate Zanre.


2nd last home round this weekend. Come and join us at the canteens!


Grandstand (7:00am - 4:00pm)


Flats (7:00am - 1:00pm)

Walkathon 2024

Sunday 11 August - Subcommittee Expressions of Interest

The P&F’s biggest single event of the year. Community, Family, Fundraising, Wellbeing - partnering with our neighbours, the Australian Defence Force - Gallipoli Barracks.


If you would like to be part of the great story of the P&F Walkathon as a sub-committee member, please express your interest to Paula Vetta by Monday 27 May 2024 indicating which of the following areas you would like to support:


Volunteer Coordinator

Registration Coordinator

Stall Liaison

Event staging coordinator

Resource Liaison

Services Liaison


Marist P&F Vice President: Paula Vetter 0422 815 738 or