From the Head of College

Mr Michael Newman

Eyes on the Prize

An Indian mystic, Ramana Maharshi, is acclaimed for the following story – a man once carried a backpack onto a train. The backpack was extremely heavy and weighing him down. An observer also travelling on the train suggested, Why don’t you take off the backpack when you are travelling on the train? The observer suggested that he enable the train to take the full weight of his backpack. This story was used by the mystic to explain the importance of surrendering to God, focusing on God, and allowing God to carry each person’s life of burdens or successes – or simply, their load.


This Sunday’s First Reading (Acts of the Apostles 1:1-11) recalls the disciples at the ascension, staring into the sky. They are asked, why are you men from Galilee standing here staring into heaven? This image, often depicted by artists, of the disciples looking upward at Jesus’ ascension into heaven, reminds us throughout life to keep our eyes on the prize, i.e., towards God in all we do – in our actions, our thoughts, and deeds, we should aim to do it through, with and in God (The Eucharistic Doxology). We are challenged to take our personal ego out of the equation of life and to know that as vessels, our work is God’s work, our hands are God’s hands. In other words, as the disciples did at the ascension, we need to keep our eyes on the prize of our God, not our work but God’s work. We simply must get out of the way of ourselves, our own ego and let God into our lives and allow him to take the weight of our backpacks. We are merely a vessel for God. And as humble people, we are the humanity of God at work.


God of the journey, may all the young men at Marist College Ashgrove, have you humbly at the centre and inspiration of their lives. Amen. 

Primary Flexible Learning Spaces 

Please mark in your calendar the Marist College Ashgrove Champagnat Day Mass, Blessing and Official Opening of the new Primary precinct on Thursday 6 June at 11:00am. We thank all students, staff and parents for their ideas on the naming of this building which I can officially announce has been approved as the St Marcellin Centre. This modern learning and teaching complex has been created to allow our teachers to combine traditional classroom explicit instruction with at times, opening-up classrooms to Flexible Learning. Our Primary Teachers have completed Flexible Learning professional development on the cycle of co-planning, co-teaching, co-debriefing and co-reflection and the pedagogies of the watering hole, cave and campfire. Combining the learning and teaching practices of individual teacher instruction and at times, flexible learning with other teachers and students, we believe the boys will be more engaged, motivated in their learning, able to move and interact and excited to understand and explore. We look forward to officially opening, blessing and showing you all through our modern classrooms in the St Marcellin Centre on the 6th June.

Jersey Boys

Congratulations to all the boys at Marist and girls from Stuartholme and Mt St Michael’s College for their wonderful ‘Jersey Boys’ performances last week. This challenging musical was performed with aplomb. One of my highlights was listening to the joy and exhilaration of the students when the curtains were drawn after each performance having pulled-off this spectacular production – you should all be so proud! I heartily acknowledge the involvement of all student cast and crew members, namely:


Cast: Cooper Matthews, Daniel Wuol, Eamonn Kneen, Vincent Butten, Owen Hair, George Pollard, Killian Menzies, Isabelle Sheedy, Willem Starrenburg, Elsie Walker, Isabelle Sheedy, Baxter Jordan, Astrid Rowell, Wyatt Castleman, Joshua Davis, Emilia Hayllar, Maya Dowl, Ashleigh Bishop, Emily Ascough, Oliver Bishop, George Bishop, Oliver Canning, Max McRae, Cooper Chugg, Maz Hazel, Amy Colpoys, Alexander Arcus-Simpson, Mitchell Hind, Luca Zanre, Abigail Macfarlane, Tara Nic Phaidin, Anneka Reibelt, Charlotte McCosker and Alexander Wheeler.


Technical Team: Daniel O’Sullivan, Luke Rabie, Mac Macready, Jack Lowe, William Marshall, Thomas Ghidella and Hunter Havery.


Stage Crew: Archie Engstrom, Cyrus Kwok, Tom Duffy, Ted Canning, Jimmy Starrenburg, Breanna Jones, Adelaide Miller, Delphi Winters and Hilary Lye. 


I particularly wish to thank Dr Andrew Butt (Program Leader – The Arts) for his leadership, expertise and generosity in enabling this musical performance to become a reality. I thank our amazing staff, old boys and friends involved who were credited in last week’s newsletter. The strength of the Marist Arts Program is certainly to be celebrated. We look forward to the future. Congratulations one and all! 


Marist Reading Night

Tonight, Tuesday 14 May, Marist College Ashgrove will hold its annual Reading Night for all fathers or father-like figures in the Draney Theatre. This year’s guest speaker will be Rupert McCall OAM. Rupert is a Marist Ashgrove father himself, who retired from being a solicitor to become a fulltime poet. He is the author of six anthologies of verse, has made numerous appearances on radio and TV and many a tribute to special events and occasions – e.g. tributes to sporting stars, famous race-horses and events like Gallipoli, 9/11 anniversary, Interdominion Pacing Championships, Rugby World Cup and so on. All dads are welcome to join us tonight from 6pm in the Draney Theatre for this time together to be inspired in our reading and to share this love with your sons. See you tonight.

Term 2 Sport

Congratulations to all coaches and staff as we progress to the half-way point of the AIC term 2 rugby, football and chess seasons. Our First Football and Chess teams remain undefeated and in first place. Our rugby win percentage is 77% and football win percentage 73% so far this season after playing Villanova, Iona and Padua Colleges.


Undefeated teams to this point of the season remain:

  • Rugby - 4ths, 5ths, 10C, 10D, 9A, 9B, 9C, 8C, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 5A, 5B, 5C 
  • Football - 1sts, 2nds, 4ths, 5ths, 7ths, 10A, 9A, 9B, 9C, 8B, 8D, 7A, 7C, 7D, 5B, 5 Blue, 5 White

Cross Country continues to prepare for the AIC Championships with a further trial meet this Wednesday. Well done boys, coaches and supporters on the manner and spirit in which the games have been played so far and the strong start to the season.

Let's Celebrate Marist College Ashgrove Boarding - National Boarding Week 2024


Party Safe Program

During Period 6, Thursday 16 May, all Year 12 boys will be participating in the Safe Partying program which is undertaken in conjunction with Red Frogs. This program empowers students to handle the various situations they may be confronted with in environments such as after parties, schoolies and music festivals.  Topics covered include alcohol, drugs and the Australian drinking culture, violence, sexual assault and criminal convictions, mental health including depression, anxiety and suicide ideation, peer pressure, safe partying tips, and how to host a safe party. This important presentation aims to increase the understanding and care of our young men on these important topics. My thanks are extended to Mr Peter Serone (Assistant Head of College – Students), Mr Phil Holding (Pastoral leader – Senior School), and Mr Josh Kersevani (Pastoral Leader – Middle School) for organising this important program for the boys.

May Ensembles Concert 

The May Ensembles Concert will be held in the Draney Theatre, this Thursday 16 May. This ensemble will include performances by Marist Voices, String Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble and Big Band 3, String Quartet. My thanks are extended to our music staff, namely: Dr Andrew Butt (Program Leader – The Arts), Alison Braidwood, Catherine Wasserman, Janelle Lee Long, Enrico Le Mura, Samantha Blakeney and Megan Harmston. Best wishes for a great night of music, gentleman.

St Stephen’s Cathedral – 150 Year Anniversary Mass

Friday 17 May marks the anniversary of the solemn blessing and dedication of St Stephen’s Cathedral in Brisbane in 1874. There are numerous key celebration events open to the public to celebrate this anniversary – an organ recital, the Queensland Symphony Orchestra performing in the Cathedral, an ecumenical celebration, and a celebration finale. Friday will be the official Mass of celebration which Marist will attend with student representatives. At this Mass, the message stick which has travelled throughout Queensland will return to the Cathedral. Marist College Ashgrove passes on its best wishes to Archbishop Mark Coleridge and all involved in the Archdiocese of Brisbane as we celebrate the grand St Stephen’s Cathedral.


Student Leaders Breakfast

On Friday 17 May, the student leaders from Marist and Mt St Michael’s Colleges will gather for a leadership breakfast. The student leaders from each school will have the opportunity to meet with their counterparts to discuss their respective portfolios, the successes they have achieved and the challenges they have faced. It will also provide a good opportunity to further discuss and develop leadership skills. The 3rd installment of the hotly contested MSM and MCA senior games is approaching with the Colleges tied at 1 win each, and Mt St Michael’s earning a convincing win in the netball and Marist College Ashgrove narrowly winning the volleyball to even the score early in term 2. In addition to the students, we are looking forward to welcoming Mt St Michael's Dean of Student Wellbeing - Mrs. Sian Mason, and the Director of Sport - Mrs. Kay Roy, and we thank them for their work behind the scenes in supporting this initiative.

College Survey

A reminder that the Marist College Ashgrove Survey will be distributed via email to all parents tomorrow – Wednesday 15 May. We ask all parents to complete this survey, conducted by MMG Education, providing us with your thoughts and feedback on a wide range of areas at the College. If you haven’t received the email link by late Wednesday or have any questions with its operation, please contact: In anticipation of your completion of this important feedback survey, thank you. 

Head of College Tour 

The Term 2 Head of College Tour will be conducted this Sunday 19 May. This is a great opportunity for prospective parents who can’t make a school-day College Tour during Terms 1, 3 and 4 to attend. The day will commence with a gathering at the Tower at 8.15am, followed by a presentation, tour of facilities and a light lunch together. We trust that you advise prospective parents of this opportunity by contacting:


We very much look forward to showing off our great campus, explaining the Marist’s charism and spirit and for our prospective families, to meet our boys. My thanks are extended to Jake Toulson, Holly Stevenson and Meagan Loane for their organisation and facilitation of this Head of College Tour. 


May our loving God with Mary our good mother and St Marcellin Champagnat walk with all members of the Marist College Ashgrove Family.


Mother's Day Breakfast
Mother's Day Breakfast
Mother's Day Breakfast
Mother's Day Breakfast
Mother's Day Breakfast
Mother's Day Breakfast
Mother's Day Breakfast
Mother's Day Breakfast
Jersey Boys Musical - Opening Night
Jersey Boys Musical - Opening Night
Jersey Boys Musical - Opening Night
Jersey Boys Musical - Opening Night
Jersey Boys Musical - Opening Night
College Assembly
College Assembly
College Assembly
College Assembly
College Assembly
Marist at Beef Week
Marist at Beef Week
Marist at Beef Week
Marist at Beef Week
Marist 1st XV Rugby Union vs Iona
Marist 1st XV Rugby Union vs Iona
Marist 1st XV Rugby Union vs Iona
Mother's Day Breakfast
Mother's Day Breakfast
Mother's Day Breakfast
Mother's Day Breakfast
Mother's Day Breakfast
Mother's Day Breakfast
Mother's Day Breakfast
Mother's Day Breakfast
Jersey Boys Musical - Opening Night
Jersey Boys Musical - Opening Night
Jersey Boys Musical - Opening Night
Jersey Boys Musical - Opening Night
Jersey Boys Musical - Opening Night
College Assembly
College Assembly
College Assembly
College Assembly
College Assembly
Marist at Beef Week
Marist at Beef Week
Marist at Beef Week
Marist at Beef Week
Marist 1st XV Rugby Union vs Iona
Marist 1st XV Rugby Union vs Iona
Marist 1st XV Rugby Union vs Iona


Upcoming Events

Tuesday 14 May

  • Met North Rugby Trials
  • Marist Reading Night
  • National Boarding Week - continues
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • House Meetings
  • Theatre Sports Round 1
  • FareShare Community Kitchen
  • Marist Reading Night
  • Primary Debating and Public Speaking at St Laurence’s
  • Year 10 Dancing Practise – Champagnat Centre

Wednesday 15 May

  • Community Mass - College Chapel (all welcome)
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • College Assembly – Livestream
  • AIC Cross Country Meet #2

Thursday 16 May

  • Vinnies BBQ
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • Primary Morning Assembly
  • Red Frogs – Party Safe Program – Year 12
  • Music Ensemble Photos
  • May Ensembles Concert

Friday 17 May

  • Year 11 Exam Block - completed
  • Marist and Mt St Michael's Student Leader Breakfast and Meeting
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • St Stephens 150 Years Mass
  • AIC Chess Round 4 v St Peters Lutheran College
  • Brisbane Invitational Water Polo Competition
  • All Abilities Rugby

Saturday 18 May

  • AIC Round 4 v St Peters Lutheran College (H)

Sunday 19 May

  • Head of College Tour
  • Boarders’ Mass (Chapel)

Monday 20 May

  • Brisbane Secondary North Chess Competition
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • Primary Morning Assembly