Senior School

Students in Grade 5 and 6 have continued to be focused, working hard in the last two weeks.


In Literacy, students have drafted and published biographies. It has been fascinating to see who the students chose to study; from Emmaline Pankhurst (a sufforgate leader from the late 1800s) to a current superstar, Samantha Kerr.


In Numeracy, students have been focusing on 3D Shapes - from their nets to drawing their perspectives on isometric paper.


We have welcomed Miss K into our team; a student from Victoria University, completing her Masters in Education. She will be with us for the next 3 weeks. Please give her an Andersons Creek Primary welcome if you see her in the school yard.


This term, our class focus novel is Morris Gleitzmans,  Boy Overboard.


"Jamal loves playing football, which isn't easy if your goalie only has one leg and you keep having to dodge landmines to get your ball back. Jamal's stubborn little sister Bibi is even better at football than Jamal. But girls playing football is against the law in Afganistan. When it is discovered that Jamal's mother has been secretly running a school, the family must leave their home immediately and begin a long and dangerous journey to Australia. The children survive separation from their parents, hunger, and violent smugglers only to find that Australia isn't as welcoming as they had thought but, even though they face an uncertain future, Jamal, Bibi and their parents know that as long as they are together, that is all that matters"


This text provides a springboard for many rich discussions on Migration, our topic for the term.  Students will be learning about other cultures, geography, rights of children, education, games and hobbies amongst other themes.


National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS)

National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. Now in its 24th successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy. 


This year, the book was Bowerbird Blues, written by Aura Parker. Prep and Gr 6, Gr 5 and Gr 1 buddies viewed the story together and then worked in our environment to make Bowerbird nests of their own. See their creative designs below!

If you are intrested, here is a link to view the book online:



The Big Freeze - Week 9 - Mark in your Calenders!

We will be running the Big Freeze event again this year and it will take place on Wednesday 12 June. We will also be running a 'Celebrating First Responders' event on this same day. We plan on hiring a Dunk Tank for the Big Freeze and aligning fundraising targets with teachers being dunked in the dunk tank.


Camp Marysville

This year's Grade 5/6 camp is to Camp Marysville, running from Monday 26 August to Wednesday 28 August. Camp Marysville offers a unique range of educational, fun and local interactive activities, from mountain bike riding and canoeing activites, to cooking and intiative activities.

The expected cost for the camp is going to be between $430 and $450 depending on the number of students that attend.

To enable us to calculate the final costs we are asking that you pay a $50 deposit to confirm that your child will be coming on camp. Medical forms, dietary requirements and lists of items to bring will be sent out half way through Term 2. All information can be found on Compass.

Payment plans will be available once final costings are calculated.





That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you’ve understood all your life, but in a new way.” 



Russell, Karen, Chelsea, Julie and Miss K