
A snapshot in the artrooom with grade 1 and 2....

Grade 1 and 2s have enjoyed making an X-slot construction autumn tree. They drew their branches, cut out 2 identical tree shapes, and painted these. They measured and cut a slit up the middle of one trunk - giving it 'legs', and measured and cut a slit down the middle of the other trunk - giving it 'arms'. Next, they slotted these trunks into each other creating an 'X' shape at its base. The students delved into some splatter and scrape painting with warm colours so that they had multi-coloured autumnal paper for their leaves. Once dry, they folded their paper into quarters and drew and cut simple leaf shapes. For every leaf they cut out, they ended up with four because they had folded it over into quarters. Their trunks were glued onto their painted green bases, and they glued their leaves onto their tree.  Super efforts! They looked great!