Lucas and Sonny

Physical Education at BBPS: There has been a lot going on in the sport department at BBPS this term, as reported by our sport captains below:


So far in Term 2, we have been doing multiple different sports in our weekly PE lessons.

AFL Super-kick came into our school to teach us skills we can use on the field. We did a variety of kicking, marking and sprints. Touching base on AFL, our school was lucky enough to have 5 of the St Kilda AFL stars come to our school and talk to us about their training schedules, how they recover, and how they prevent injuries. They further spoke to us about sportsmanship and how to be a team player. Everyone was putting their hands up asking questions. At the end we were getting autographs and photos.


Recently the Melbourne Victory SEDA soccer students came in. We did different rotations with different groups of people. We learnt how to dribble, juggle, and pass effectively. At the end we did a Round Robin. We moved up and down the fields until there was a winner.


Sports Star Academy also ran a series of basketball clinics, which all students enjoyed. 


Now last but not least, we did Tennis with Gerard Douglas. His team taught us the fundamentals of how to play tennis. We practiced doing foot movements and doing long ralleys. 


Overall, Term 2 Has been a blast with sports!

Thanks to Mr Ancrum for organising such a jam packed learning program.


Written by Charlotte ( Gordon house captain) and Mimi ( Dendy house captain).


District Cross Country



St Kilda Football players presenting to a rapt audience of students
St Kilda Football players presenting to a rapt audience of students


Open Classrooms




Prep and Grade 1

The junior school is all abuzz as we learn more facts about the creatures of the sea! We are creating informative texts to show our understanding of factual writing. This is being balanced with an author study, you will notice Julia Donaldson fever across the cohorts!


Grade 2

In preparation for next week's assembly, we have been working hard on our exploration of activists and have been taking a closer look at our connections to country. A visit to Whyte Street Park this week was a welcomed change of scenery. 



Grade 3 and 4

Having just finished our focus on addition and subtraction, we now move to applying our new learnt strategies to calculating length. With a science curriculum focus across the school, the Hub has been delving into the world of life cycles.


Penelope "We have been getting to choose specific animals to write information reports and to learn about life cycles. I've found it fun learning about different animals".


Sophie "I have enjoyed doing times tables and addition and subtraction - its been good getting to do hands on activities like measuring".


Lachlan "I have really liked writing about animals and getting to research facts on our iPads. I discovered that skunks can be grey as well as black and white".


Grade 5 and 6


Debating, interschool training, Literature Circles and an exploration of measurement have consumed our week!