Specialist classes


Ms Wei Wang
Ms Wei Wang

Our first semester of 2024 is approaching very quickly! It has been an amazing two terms seeing our students grow in confidence in Mandarin.


Our juniors immersed themselves weekly in children’s rhymes. Middle schoolers are keen to stop and have mini conversations, asking me how my day is. Senior students extended this topic to describe their specific feelings.


Other highlights we’ve had include:

  • Prep’s hands-on number constructions and Year 1 & 2’s calligraphy activities.
  • Year 3’s blue and white ‘Blue Willow’ paper plate artwork.
  • Year 4’s successful sentences beginning with ‘I need,’ ‘I’ve been to,’ and ‘I want to go/visit.’
  • Year 5’s amazing effort in their ‘I’m… (ethnic background)’ and ‘I live in Australia’ posters.
  • Year 6’s increasingly fluent deliveries of their self-introductions.