Year 6 Update

Mr Cole
Miss Sharp
Mrs Elkina Wills
Mrs Ewing
Ms McKneil
Mr Cole
Miss Sharp
Mrs Elkina Wills
Mrs Ewing
Ms McKneil

Upcoming learning:

During the next fortnight, Year 6 students are undertaking learning in the following areas:


Reading:  Students are reading Boy Overboard this term and reviewing comprehension strategies such as, making connections, summarising, visualising, monitoring understanding, making predictions and asking and answering questions. 


Writing: Students are working on writing reviews of movies, TV shows and games. 


Maths: Students are learning about different strategies to help solve subtraction problems.


Inquiry: Preparing for MAD day by learning about food preparation in maintaining good health and the importance of food safety and hygiene.


S.E.L:  Students are learning about positive body image through Embrace Kids. 


Term Homework: This term students will be working on their Empower Project. Please see the attachment for further details.


Reading Homework: Students are expected to read every night and log this in their diary with a signature from a parent/carer. These are to be handed into the teacher weekly.

News and Reminders:

Drink bottles: Please remember to bring a drink bottle to school every day. It saves disruption to your child's learning when this is accessible within the room.


Devices: Please remind your child to charge their device each night so that they are able to use it in class.


In week 6, students were learning about money. The Hillsmeade 'shop' was set up so student could practise, counting money, giving change and applying percentage discounts. 

6E Debates

Year 6 Sport

Warming up with Just Dance!

Year 6 Kindness Award

Star Students of the week