Year 3 Update

3A-Mrs Oakley
3B-Ms Crowe
3C-Miss Keller
3D-Ms Bell
3E-Miss Jones
3E-Ms Paterno
3A-Mrs Oakley
3B-Ms Crowe
3C-Miss Keller
3D-Ms Bell
3E-Miss Jones
3E-Ms Paterno

Upcoming learning: Term 2, Weeks 8 & 9

During the next fortnight, Year 3 students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:


Week 8 & 9: To understand what adverbial phrases are.

To identify and explore the different ways to make the long i vowel sound.

Week 8:  To understand how to revise, edit and publish my writing.

Week 9: To understand how to write a procedure.

MathsWeek 8 and 9: To understand money.



Week 8: To present my Australian state or territory research project.

Week 9: To begin researching a neighbouring country of Australia.

Social and Emotional 

Week 8 and 9: To understand and use kind actions at school.

We are learning to create role plays for social situations.

News and reminders 

Homework books: Please remind your child to being their homework books in to their teacher on their day. See the class compass page or ask the teacher if you are unsure of the correct day. 

Celebration of learning

First Aid Incursion
First Aid Incursion
Creating Graphs
Collecting Data
Creating Graphs
Collecting Data
First Aid Incursion
Reading to a partner
Read to Self
First Aid Incursion
Reading to a partner
Read to Self