Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,
Congratulations to Gold House who were the winners of our annual Senior (Year 3 - Year 6) Athletics Carnival held on Tuesday this week. Special thanks to Mr Colin Edwards who coordinated the day for us, and a special mention to all of the school staff for their assistance in running the events and for supervising the students. My sincere thanks also to the Kilbreda students who assisted at the field events as well.
Well done to all students who participated in events. It was great to see our students try their best on the day!
First Communion
Please keep our Year 3 Students in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Eucharist in the coming weeks.
Please note the following important dates for First Eucharist:
25 May - Eucharist Commitment Mass - 6pm
28 May - First Eucharist Family Sharing Session - 3:30pm
29 May - Fr Justin visiting First Eucharist Students - 12pm
4 June - Sacramant of First Eucharist - 5pm and 6:30pm
Kilbreda Principal Visit
My thanks to Ms Nicole Mangelsdorf - Principal of Kilbreda - who came to visit our Year 5 girls earlier this week. Thanks also to our past students who spoke to the group about life in secondary school.
Kingston Junior Mayor Competition
Well done to our Year 6 students who competed in the Kingston Junior Mayor competition today at the Kingston City Hall in Moorabbin. Ezra, Nicholas, Eleanor and Hudson represented our school well in a very professional presentation. Thanks also to Mrs Liz Lamb and Mrs Bianca Latto for preparing the children for this education enhancement event.
P & F Student Disco
This Friday evening is our annual P & F Student Disco which will be held in the school hall. What a great way to test out our new sound system with ''DJ Daidone'' sending out the tunes for our students. The Prep - Year 2 Disco is from 5:00pm to 6:15pm and the Year 3 - Year 6 Disco is from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. The theme for the disco is bright fluro colours. I am looking forward to this very exciting event!
Just a reminder that all students will be dismissed from the hall deck at the end of each disco and the school playground is strictly out of bounds at the conclusion of each disco.
Bookings here:
Healthy Hut Dinner Orders
The Healthy Hut now has a dinner menu available. Dinners are available for pick up on Thursdays at 3pm from the canteen, orders need to be placed by Tuesday 2pm via the online ordering system. Please see further in the newsletter for this exciting new service. The available dinner list includes:
- Beef Lasagne
- Gluten Free Beef Lasagne
- Chicken Pasta Curry Salad
- Fried Rice
- Homemade Chicken Tenderloins
- Homemade Gnocchi Napoli
- Roasted Mixed Vegetables
P & F Casino Evening
Get ready for a fun filled evening on Friday 14th June! Our amazing P & F is holding an event for adults only in the school hall. Please see the attached flier for more details.
Book Here:
Casino night information movie HERE
Car Parking around the school
Can I please ask all parents and carers who are dropping off and picking up student before and after school to observe all correct parking instructions. This includes parking in correct parking bays (not across residents driveways) as signed by the council and to never park in the child care centre across the road from the school on Childers Street. They have their own clientele to look after and it is very important that we respect their pick up and drop off procedures. Child safety, and looking after our neighbours and our wider community should be the number 1 priority for all adults in the St. Patrick's community.
Please note that the Parish Church Driveway should not be used for picking up and dropping off students.
My sincere thanks for your assistance in this matter.
School Calendar
Please use the following google link to add the school calendar to your own calendar for ease of information exchange. School Google Calendar HERE.
God Bless,
Pat Berlingeri