School Captain News
School Captain News
What's Happening Week 6 Term 3
Riddle Time!
I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for five minutes.
What am I?
Answer at the bottom of the page
Bread Tags
Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs.
We have a family in our school that is collecting plastic bread tags and we would love to support them in their endeavour.
We will be collecting plastic bread tags, not cardboard ones. The tags are recycled locally, raising funds to buy wheelchairs for disadvantaged people. Recycling 250 kg of bread tags funds an entry-level wheelchair, that's a lot of bread tags.
So let’s get together as a community and help out. So start sending in your bread tags to school.
Book Week Dress Up Day!
Remember that Monday is our Book Week Dress Up Day and Parade at 9.00 am. There will be prizes for the best dressed in each year level. Looking forward to seeing everyone all dressed up.
Kindness Award
This week's kindness award goes to Trevin from Prep D for his empathy towards his friend.
Well done on being a great friend and for being kind.
Yard Slips Winners
This week’s yard slip winners are:
Ruhika from 2C and Melee from 1B for being responsible.
Behaviour Bucks
This week Behaviour Bucks winners are
Juniors: 1A with 34 points
Seniors: 5A with 33 points
Answer to the Riddle!’
Your Breath!
-Amelia, Cruz, Lesra & Ivy