Assistant Principal News
Week 7 Greetings
It has been an exciting fortnight here at CPS. Our Book Week successfully created an environment for our students to get even more excited about reading books. It’s so pleasing to hear comments from some children that they found new books to read and they enjoyed being engaged with the new texts. Many of our students dressed up as a character from their favourite book for the Book Week Parade and I was most impressed by their creativity. It was also great to see some students dressed up as a character from Japanese story books.
Remember a Hat in September!
It’s a little bit hard to believe, but September is approaching! This means it’s time to take a hat out and get ready for the warmer season! We will provide a period where students can adjust to this seasonal expectations, however from Week 9, all students must wear a broad-brimmed hat when participating in the outdoor activities. あっという間に9月が近づいてきています。9月は春の最初の月ということもあり、帽子を被り始める月です。生徒たちには、季節の変化とともに訪れる帽子のルールに慣れるために1週間が与えられますが、9週目の最初までには全員の生徒たちが学校に帽子を持ってくることが求められます。ご協力お願い致します。
Former staff member
Last week, we received very sad news that our former staff member Sam FitzGerald suddenly passed away. Sam joined our school in 2012 as a Phys Ed teacher and run engaging lessons for our students. Sam’s knowledge and experience were also appreciated by his colleagues in the South District Sports and he played a key role in many of the district events. He was friendly but firm with our students and taught them to develop resilience and sound sportsmanship. He was a supportive colleague and a lovely friend to many of us and I am truly grateful for having known such a great person. I would like to express our deepest condolences to his wife, their 10-month-old daughter and all his family members. 先週、訃報が飛び込んでまいりました。2012年から4年ほどの年月をCPSで体育の教員として働いていた、サム・フィッツジェラルド先生が先週突然亡くなりました。彼の経験や知識は校外でも認められ、サウス・ディストリクト・スポーツでもキーパーソンとして活躍しました。優しさと厳しさの両方を持ち備えたサムは、生徒たちに強い心を持つこと、スポーツマンシップの大切さを教えてくれました。また、私たち職員にとってはサポーティブな同僚・友人でした。サムという素晴らしい人とCPSでの時間を共有できたことを本当に感謝しています。CPS職員一同を代表して、心よりご冥福をお祈りいたします。
Snapshot from the classroom
I visited one of the Performing Arts lesson where Y5/6 students were rehearsing for their play. It’s always great to hear our students speaking in Japanese, especially at Y5/6 level, their pronunciation is almost like a native speaker. When I visited them, their Performing Arts teacher Okano Sensei was on leave, however, students were still rehearsing independently, demonstrating the school values of Responsibility and Respect. 5・6年生のパフォーミングアーツの授業を訪問してきました。生徒たちが話す日本語は本当に素晴らしく、特に5・6年生になると発音もネイティブのようになり、流暢さを増していきます。私が授業を訪問した日は岡野先生がお休みの日でしたが、生徒たちだけで劇の進行していく姿に、校訓の責任や尊重の態度が見られました。さすが5・6年生!!