Principal's News

Such a wonderful fortnight around our school and with some really beautiful and mild weather as well. There are often so many highlights throughout the school week and we sometimes just take this for granted but it is such a delight to see some of the joy that occurs for our students throughout the school week. I went out and watched some of our junior students taking part in their Gymnastics program last Monday, lots of learning occurring and lots of fun to be had, thank you to Miss Molloy for organising this! Many highlights and details shared below, thank you for taking a minute to support our school and keep informed. 


Bilingual Schools Network


On Thursday, our school had the pleasure of hosting a Bilingual School Network (BSN) meeting for teachers from all 11 bilingual schools in Victoria. We had over 29 teachers and school leaders in attendance and it was a great privilege to host this professional learning opportunity for teachers. We had a keynote presentation from Monash Japanese Language Education Centre Leader, Anne De Kretser and we included presentations from our teaching leaders, Miss Ryan, Onda sensei and Morita sensei. I extend my sincere thanks to Morita sensei for her leadership as a member of the BSN executive. You may be interested in visiting the BSN website that provides an oversight of some of the research and background to this collaborative network. 




Unfortunately, we were the recipients of some sad news at the end of last week with former staff member, Sam Fitzgerald passing away unexpectedly. Sam worked as a teacher at Caulfield Primary School between 2012-2015 also working at Windsor Primary School during that time. It is one of the reasons why the two schools still hold a combined Swimming Carnival for Year 3-6 students each year with Sam helping to establish this whilst working as a PE teacher for both schools. Sam had moved to QLD over recent years and had a young family. Our sincere thoughts and condolences extend to his family during these moments. A stark reminder in the cruellest way of how precious life can be. 


Playground Consulting


Over coming weeks, we are beginning to work with landscape architect, Justin Staggard who specialises in landscaping and playground design. Justin will begin working with our Prep and Year ½ classes on the 19th September to take on some student voice and influence before beginning to design a vision for an improved junior play space. The added element of consulting with our students over what is important to them provides a valuable piece for our us to create some design proposals. 


Right to Disconnect


As you would be aware, recent amendments to the Fair Work Legislation came into effect on Monday, the Department of Education provided it’s response to this noting the rights of all staff to disconnect. These new provisions will be adopted alongside the department’s existing industrial and employment obligations, including occupational health and safety commitments. The legislation makes it explicit that all employees have the right to refuse contact from their employer or a third party (such as a parent or families) outside of their normal working hours unless that refusal is unreasonable. This means an employee can refuse to monitor, read or respond to contact that occurs outside their normal working hours.

Where principals, or regional and central department staff contact school employees outside normal working hours, staff have the right to refuse contact outside their normal working hours unless this is unreasonable. Several factors must be considered when determining whether an employee’s choice not to respond is unreasonable. 

As you are aware, our staff work incredibly hard with many staff working in excess of 15-20 hours per week beyond their Monday – Friday teaching commitments. I welcome and appreciate your support where communicating with staff and as we look to support and implement the amendments to Fair Work Legislation. 


Working Bee


A big shoutout to our families who supported our Working Bee on the 17th August, this was really well attended and a large number of jobs were completed around the school. There was particular attention focussed on a big clean of our student bathrooms with some parents spending considerable time and efforts with this work. Thank you to those families who supported the day and to Sam B (Father of Mika and Naoki) who cooked and provided some celebratory lunch for us afterwards. 


Book Week


Book Week was a fantastic hit around the school with a special author visit from renowned author Morris Gleitzman, a very colourful and fun book parade and a very successful book fair. In addition to this, our classrooms had a really big focus on Japanese and English literacy and supporting and nurturing a love of reading and literature. Thank you to our families and staff for supporting such a special week in our school and for making such a special effort with costumes for our Book Week Parade. 



School Saving Bonus


In Term 4, 2024, families with a child enrolled in a government school from Prep to Year 12 in 2025 will receive the one-off $400 School Saving Bonus. The $400 School Saving Bonus provides families with support for education-related costs, such as school activities and/or school uniforms and textbooks.

The School Saving Bonus is not available for full-fee international students, home schooled students, TAFE students and students attending kindergarten in 2025.   


Actions for parents and carers:

Before 18 October 2024, the Department of Education is asking parents and carers to:

  • Complete enrolment: If your child, or children are changing government school for Term 1 2025, or starting Prep or Year 7 in 2025. For more information, read about Enrolling in School. 
  • Check your contact information: Ensure your email address and phone number is up to date with us. You can check this information by contacting us directly.

We need to ensure your contact information is up to date as the Department of Education will email you twice:

  • in October, to verify your email address
  • in November, with your $400 School Saving Bonus.

Please check your junk mail regularly to make sure you do not miss an important email.

To learn more about the School Saving Bonus, download the School Saving Bonus Information sheet for government school parents and carers by visiting


Mental Health in Schools


Last week I was invited to present alongside Prof Frank Oberklaid and Dr Charlotte Keating on preventative mental health approaches in primary schools. An area of interest and passion for me.  By 2026, every government  primary school will receive funding to employ a mental health and wellbeing leader (MHWL), with a funding allocation provided. At our school, we continue to advocate for the evidence based relationship between mental health, wellbeing and learning. It is always exciting to promote this relationship and see our students happy, settled, stimulated and engaged.  


Father’s Day 


Thank you to our Parents and Friends Club and volunteers who helped our students do some shopping for Father’s Day. With a very successful stall held on Tuesday, students were provided an opportunity to buy something small to help Dad have a great day. Wishing all our Dad’s a very special day for Sunday, Your presence and support around the school is such a wonderful support to our students (and your child). I hope you have a fantastic day on Sunday!



Have a great weekend ahead, Happy Father’s Day and I look forward to seeing you around the school next week. 


My Thanks, 

Edward Strain
