
McAuley Services - Hamper Packing and Donation Drive 

Thank you to all the students and their families for making the McAuley Donation Drive such a tremendous success.  To conclude the donation drive, we had the pleasure of welcoming Felicity, a representative from McAuley Services for Women, to the Academy on Friday, August 23.  During lunchtime, she spoke to the students and assisted in facilitating a hamper packing workshop.  Felicity explained the vital work McAuley Services does, how their services support women in need, and how the donations are distributed to women and children.  She highlighted that when women arrive at McAuley Services, they often feel very vulnerable and have nothing with them—not even basic toiletries or clothes.  To ease their arrival, McAuley Services provides care packs containing essentials such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, soap, sanitary items and other necessities.  


The hamper packing session, with Felicity’s assistance, resulted in over 50 care packs being prepared for these women using the items donated through the drive.  Following the hamper packing session, students helped move all the donations and fill Felicity’s car. She was overwhelmed by the number and quality of the donations, with her car packed to the brim with contributions.  


On the hamper packing day, Academy students and staff also had the opportunity to make a donation to wear casual clothes.  A total of $679 was raised through the Casual Clothes Day—a tremendous effort.  Thank you to the students and staff who made donations.  This money will be used to purchase vouchers for the women supported by McAuley Services for Women.  


We are also thrilled to announce that the winning year level of the McAuley Services for Women donation drive was Year 10! 🎉  Your incredible generosity and dedication will make a significant impact.  As a token of our appreciation, the Justice Group will be hosting a special morning tea for Year 10.  To learn more about McAuley Services and the great work that they do, please visit their website at https://www.mcauley.org.au/about/ 

Mercy Works Morning Fundraisers Kick Off!

Last Tuesday marked the first in a series of four Mercy Works Morning fundraisers.  The Justice group hosted the first morning, preparing, cooking and serving pancakes and Milo, raising over $160. A big thank you to the students and staff who helped cook and serve pancakes in the morning. 


This week, volunteers from Year 7 & 12 hosted the morning and served Hot Chocolates & Biscuits, raising $213.  It is simply wonderful seeing students from across the school volunteer their time for this amazing charity.  These fundraisers will be held on Tuesday mornings from 8:00 – 8:40 am and will be selling food and drinks as follows: 

    -  Tuesday, 3 September - Hosted by Year 7 & 12: Biscuits & Hot Chocolates 

    -  Tuesday, 10 September - Hosted by Year 10 & 11: Baked Goods & Juice/Hot Drinks 

    -  Tuesday, 17 September - Hosted by Year 8 & 9: Hashbrowns & Hot Drinks 


Students from across the school are warmly invited to get involved by: 

    -  Volunteering to help host an event (an email will be sent calling for volunteers)

    -  Donating items being sold by their year level (speak to your wellbeing leader)   

    -  Purchasing a breakfast item and hot drink on any or all of the days! 


The aim of these mornings is to raise funds and awareness for Mercy Works through morning fundraisers featuring hot drinks and food, with student volunteers.  Established in 2000, Mercy Works partners with vulnerable communities in Australia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, and Timor-Leste to build capacity and self-reliance.  The fundraiser connects to Catherine McAuley’s tradition of the “Comfortable Cup of Tea,” symbolising the warm and caring relationships central to her vision of Mercy. 


Seeds of Justice Conference - Anglesea 

Whilst you read this newsletter, a small group of Year 9 & 10 Justice Group members and I will have just returned from an overnight Seeds of Justice Conference at Anglesea.  The Seeds of Justice conference aims to provide an opportunity for our students to learn, listen, share, be inspired and inspire others.  By collaborating with like-minded peers, students explore their path toward forming their Mercy Identity.  The conference theme, “Mercy is Community, Hospitality, Compassion & Justice,” focuses on new initiatives to address violence against women and families, while also fostering a language of hope for the future.  Additionally, students will delve into how Mercy Charism has been integrated into McAuley Community Services since its inception.  They will also explore the diverse range of careers related to this crucial community issue, with an emphasis on sowing the seeds for future pathways for our Mercy community.  In our next newsletter, you will hear more about the students’ experiences and what they learned.


Ms Mel Sachanandani

Justice Leader