Classroom Stars and Achievers

Stars of the Week
Isla K
For her efforts in independently editing her own writing (Rick D3)
Lennie D
For writing lots of detail in her information report (Holly D4)
Noah L
For demonstrating respect! (Pete D5)
Boyden S
For completing some amazing work in Reading and Writing! What great focus! (Miss Woodfield/Miss Kennedy M1)
Jesse D
For looking after his friends while playing footy (Mrs Brown M2)
Sophie D
For a fantastic book summary for Book Week! (Claire M3)
Hudson M
For being a great class role model during Book Week activities (Claire M3)
Imogen D
For consistently showing kindness to those around her (Miss Muller M4)
Jack B
For showing respect towards his teachers and peers. Well done! (Jaymie M5)
Outstanding Achievers
Madilyn K
For following the writers process to complete her writers festival piece. Well done! (Lauren B1)
Poppy D
For fully engaging in our Book Week activities (Mr Loader B4)
Braxton K
For trying his best in Maths and employing a positive attitude to his learning (Jessica B5)
Isabelle C
For developing efficient strategies for solving problems in Number Talks (Jessica B5)
Rieley G
For working well with a partner to create an engaging Book Week activity (Mrs Riddoch S2)
Elijah S
For demonstrating super enthusiasm for his Book Week activity with his partner (Mrs Riddoch S2)
Madden L
For being a responsible student in S4 (Mr Bell S4)