Level 2: Connect

Hello Parents! It's hard to believe how quickly this term is flying by. Our students have been engaged in some fantastic learning, from mastering key concepts in math to exploring the creative world of poetry and persuasive writing. We're excited to see their continued growth and enthusiasm as the term progresses to a close!
Market day is next Thursday (12 September) between recess and lunch.
SEPS idol will be held in the afternoon.
Our students will soon be embarking on an exciting journey into persuasive writing. They will learn how to structure a persuasive text, focusing on clearly stating their opinions and supporting them with strong reasons and evidence. As part of this process, students will explore the use of statistics, rhetorical questions, and persuasive language to strengthen their arguments. By the end of this unit, they will be equipped with the tools to effectively persuade and engage their readers.
Supporting your child’s reading at home is crucial for building their confidence and fluency. We encourage you to set aside short periods for your child to read aloud each day. This practice helps them become more comfortable with the rhythm and flow of language, improving their ability to read smoothly and expressively. Over the next two weeks, our students will be exploring persuasive texts in class, focusing on how emotive language can be used effectively to influence readers. Reading aloud will also give your child a chance to experiment with using tone and emotion to enhance their understanding of persuasive writing.
Remember books are allocated to your child to read on 'Wushka.' Students can also take home books from the classroom if they prefer a hard book.
In our spelling lessons, we are continuing to focus on using memory to read and write "heart words"—those words that students recognize instantly by sight, without needing to sound them out. Additionally, students are deepening their understanding of morphemes, the smallest units of meaning within words, to help them decode and comprehend new vocabulary. Finally, we are emphasising the importance of reading with fluency and accuracy, enabling students to read smoothly, confidently, and with a clear understanding of the text.
The spelling patterns we are focusing on are:
Our Year 2 students have been learning and consolidating their knowledge of the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Over the next two weeks our focus will be multiplication and division.
Parents can play a key role in supporting their child's learning of multiplication and division by incorporating these concepts into everyday activities. Simple practices like quizzing your child on multiplication tables, using flashcards, or even counting items in groups during car journey's or shopping trips can reinforce these skills. Encouraging your child to explain their thinking while solving problems can also help deepen their understanding. Regular practice, along with positive reinforcement, will boost your child’s confidence and proficiency in multiplication and division.