Level 1: Connect

Market day is next Thursday (12 September) between recess and lunch.
SEPS idol will be held in the afternoon.
Final day of Term 3 is Friday, September 20th. Early dismissal at 2:30pm.
Hats need to be worn at school as of next week.
We have started WIN (What I Need) time. Straight after recess, all classes across the school work for 20 minutes, reviewing Math concepts that they have learnt over the past few weeks. This is to help with the consolidation process. Here are some photos of WIN time in action:
During Maths we have been working on doubling and halving strategies. Also, skip counting by 2', 5's and 10's, when counting a large group of objects.
Heart words from the past 2 weeks:
We learning about the most famous invention this week during Science! The Cotton Gin Invention. They invented the cotton gin so they didn't have so many people picking seeds out of the cotton. This benefited children as they didn't have to work as much during the day and they could then go to school.
We also learnt that if you squash the cotton seeds, you get cotton seed oil which is another type of oil that you can cook with.
Wilko and Safety Sue even made a real life sized cotton bale! Anywhere in the world, the cotton bale has to be the exact same size and each cotton bale MUST weigh 227KG. We then looked at how many items we could make with each cotton bale. A very interesting lesson!!