(Bernie's Parent Collective)


Community - Kids – #PrimarySchoolMemories – FUNdraising!


Walkathon Results

Congratulations to our winning class 1/2 R for raising the most money on average per student.  

The total raised was over $7084.  Our goal was $7000 so we reached it!


The top fundraisers were:

Alexander V   3/4T   $931

Henry L   1/2L  $510

William M  1/2R  $415

Walkathon Thank you

Thank you to Renee and the members of the BPC for the planning and organisation on the day of the Walkathon.  Also thank you to the wonderful parent volunteers who were marshalls and for counting the money.


Thank you to our teachers, amazing students and our sponsors. 

We are very grateful for your support.

  • Lagom Gelateria - Brunswick
  • Go Climb
  • Lollipops Playland, Preston
  • El Parche - Harding St Coburg