From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,

What an unbelievably amazing result from our Walkathon!

We never dreamed that we would be placing the order for the basketball ring so quickly. We have chosen a company to complete the works and they were so impressed by the student story to get to this point, as well as the phenomenal result, that they will make every effort to begin the work as soon as possible and, they are adding something extra as no cost to us. This just shows the power of working together.

The process will begin with a location survey, to ensure that the proposed location is suitable and then the installation will begin. We will keep you updated and once again a huge heartfelt thankyou to all our helpers and sponsors!


Year 5 /6 Camp

We have all enjoyed winter sunshine and warmth at its very best for our Year 5/6 Camp at Phillip Island. The Twin Flying Fox, the Giant Swing and Canoeing were the highlights with archery, low ropes and the initiative course enjoyed by all.  Photos and student reflections will be shared next week.

A huge thanks to Ms Bridget, Mr Josh, Mr Nick and Mr Reed for organising and attending Camp. Our staff put in a huge effort to ensure that the camp is a memorable and fun experience and take time away from their families, to support the program.


St Bernard’s Day

Next Tuesday 20th August we will celebrate our patron saint, St Bernard of Clairvaux’s Feast Day. We will have a special day. We will spend time learning about St Bernard and enjoy a Magic Show.  The BPC are organising lunch for us and in the afternoon at 2.45pm we will have a whole school paraliturgy.  We invite all parents and families to join us in the Hall.

We need some parent volunteers to help out on the day, if you are available even for a short time please contact the BPC to sign up.  More details on the BPC page.

A permission note was sent home last week about the St Bernard's Day lunch please return as soon as possible for catering purposes.


Bike Ed

Our Bike Ed session is being held this Friday. If you have not returned the note please do so by tomorrow. (attached below)  If students do not have their permission forms, they will have to watch the session. On Friday morning, staff will be directing students to their assigned bike parking area.

Foundation Normal bike parking area just past the toilets. Enter via playground

1/2 & 3/4Hall Enter via hall ramp

5/6 - School Garden (next to 5 /6 J). Enter via playground


On the link below is some further information from BikeEd that will help your child to be prepared for this session. 

AusBike information Flyer


PL Day Reminder - Monday 19th August

A reminder Monday 19th August is a PL day. Staff will be participating in First Aid Training to ensure all our staff have a Level 2 First Aid qualification.

There is no school for students on this day. OSHC is available on this day, bookings are essential.


Save the Date - Father’s & Special People Day

Father’s & Special People Day celebration & stall is on Friday 30th August. An invitation will be sent home later this week.

'Something to Think About'

Our digital footprint and reputation is something that young people are not aware of.

This week Susan McLean talks about why this is so important.