Boite Choir CONCERT Reflection

Boite Schools Chorus 2024 - Reflection Ms Bernadette
As you’ve been hearing for months, Trinity Voices have been busily preparing toperform in the Boite Schools Chorus – an immersive global music project wherestudents from un-auditioned school and community choirs are led to develop newskills, learn about different cultures, build confidence, and foster a sense ofcommunity – all through the joy of group singing.
This year was extra special as it marked the 20th anniversary of the BSC. What a privilege to take part!
We couldn’t have asked for a nicer day to set off on our big musical adventure. After ten weeks of preparation, Concert Day had finally arrived! On Thursday 8 th August, 39 excited students travelled to Melbourne Town Hall via tram (Alec met us in the city!) accompanied by Miss Bernadette, Mr Ru, Mr Gahan, Ms Belinda and some wonderful parent helpers.
There were plenty of smiles from commuters who lookedon as we piled into the #109 to start our journey. (Sadly, some of our choir were sick and couldn’t make it that day, but we carried them with us during this final part of ouradventure).
On arrival at Melbourne Town Hall, we were quickly aware of the formality – redcarpet on the stairs, smiling concierge in black bowler hat greeting us – and we wereshown to our “green room” for a quick snack before dressing in our special BSC T-shirt and moving onto the stage for dress rehearsal. The stage lights were very warm and students quickly tired, but it was thrilling to perform with live musicians and Stella Savvy (artistic and choir director) kept things fun buy getting us to mirror sillybows for the audience. Eventually, we’d polished up all the words and actions andrehearsal time was done!
After a bigger break for lunch and a quick breath of fresh air, it was getting close toshowtime! Family members and friends poured into the venue and we took our placeon the stage for the 1pm concert to begin. This year was extra special as it was acelebration of the 20 th anniversary of the Boite Schools Chorus.
The theme “LosNiñjos” (The Children), promoted environmental awareness and climateconsciousness; 10 songs offering 10 messages of love for the planet, in ninedifferent languages. Isabel and Juju did a great job representing Trinity by introducing two of the songs over the microphone, while another school read a YortaYorta Dreamtime story of the Rainbow Serpent, as a reminder to be respectful of ourwise and precious Mother Earth.
After the rest of the songs and final bows, Mr Ru and Miss Bernadette joined us on stage along with other choir teachers, for a fun reprise!
With over 330 children from 13 schools, it was so exciting to perform live on stageand enjoy the big theatre atmosphere! We’re so grateful to the sponsors who madethis available and to all the teachers, family and friends who helped make this happen.
Trinity Voices will proudly present some of the BSC songs at School Assembly on Friday 6th September.