Grade 5/6

Miss Stephan and Mr Ward, supported by Mr Reid


In Literacy, we have started our new unit on Persuasive Writing. We spent time learning about the different language devices used to help persuade our readers. We learnt about hyperbole, modality words, emotive language, rhetorical questions, facts and statistics. We then used all of this to write our own persuasive pieces on a topic that we are passionate about. On Thursday, the grade 5/6s will be partaking in another ‘writing day’ where they will decide where they would rather live, the beach or the mountains. They will be persuading their readers to agree with them. Students will be bringing home their information on Tuesday the 3rd to share with their families. 


Integrated Studies

This term, our topic is Ethics and Emotions. We have been learning about what the word  ‘pressure’ means and understanding that it can have both positive and negative impacts on ourselves. We are learning a lot about our identity and what makes us, us. Throughout the next couple of weeks, we will be learning about positive traits and starting to get everything organised for our identity expo, which will be held on the last week of term. We can’t wait to learn more about our students identities.



The grade 5/6s have been working extremely hard in maths this term, constantly moving through all of their activities and tasks, it’s been hard to keep up with them! We have finished learning about the Big Idea 7 ‘Basic facts and algorithms for operations with rational numbers use notions of equivalence to transform calculations into simpler ones.’ We are now moving onto the Big Idea 8 ‘Numerical calculations can be approximated by replacing numbers with other numbers that are close and easy to compute with mentally. Measurements can be approximated using known referents as the unit in the measurement process’. We can’t wait to continue to watch the students grow and learn!



Well done on the grade 5/6s who participated in the Winter Sports Basketball last Friday! We didn’t get the result we wanted, but everyone had such a wonderful and fun time! It was amazing to see the great sportsmanship throughout both teams and it was incredible watching you cheer each other on! 

Well done!



After School Netball

After school netball season is coming to and end. The girls have extremely well through thus term, winning every game played. 

They have come together as a team, with girls playing across 4 different clubs on a Saturday (Beaufort, Lexton, Carnham/Linton and Tatyoon). There is no doubt they have learnt from their Melbourne and Winter Sport competitions and worked hard to improve their skills and gel as a team. Wednesday night we play a semi final against BCC and if we win, we progress through to the grand final the following week. Well done and fingers crossed girls!

Kaylee, Ele, Zoe T, Nilah, Monique & Eliza. Absent Amelia & Thea
Kaylee, Ele, Zoe T, Nilah, Monique & Eliza. Absent Amelia & Thea



Huge shout out to these 3 girls. We have had a lot of illness run through our 5/6 cohort of late and our netballers weren't immune. Ruby, Elsie and Chelsea came and filled in over the past 2 weeks and killed it! Thank you so much to you three for putting your hand up and helping out!