Classroom Happenings

After all their work following and learning about the Olympics, Foundation and Year 1 students participated in their very own Potato Olympics. The students had a great time decorating their potatoes and then participating in a variety of activities with them. Please enjoy a video that showcases some potato talent in action!
On Wednesday 20th August our Foundation and Year 1 students were also lucky enough to be able to go on an excursion to the Corryong Library to experience the special performance by The Flying Bookworm.
These performances are carefully designed to ensure that they bring vibrancy and theatricality to a students’ learning. The students were enlivened, entertained, engaged and educated by the experience. The Flying Bookworm company believe that through live theatrical performances, participation and discussion, students learn, think and care more about the text than through simply reading.
Below are some pictures of our students participating in The Flying Bookworm performance
YEAR 2/3/4
An update on our learning journey together!
2/3/4 have recently researched about Australian endangered animals.
They created amazing artwork that creatively includes the animals' habitats and the threats to their existence.
Their artwork was entered into the Wild At Art competition, and the students presented their information reports using Canva.
Below are some of the students artwork that was presented.
In Religious Education, students have been exploring stories about Jesus in the Scriptures—both the parables he told and the stories he was involved in.
They were tasked with retelling these stories, conveying their messages, and reflecting on how they can apply these messages to their own lives.
Many students presented their understanding through drama, posters, or mini videos.