Community Flyers

Victorian Virtual Emergency Department
Have you heard about the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department?
This is a fantastic virtual service should you require access to a Doctor or Nurse for non-life treathening emergencies. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via a video call from the comfort of your own home.
Towong Shire Latest News
Free 3D Creative Writing Workshop: A Two-Day Creative AdventureThese school holidays step into the future with an immersive virtual reality workshop! Over two exciting days, participants will embark on a journey to create a futuristic storyline using cutting-edge technology.Led by virtual reality specialists, Parallel Wilds, attendees will work collaboratively to shoot footage in an outdoor location using a 360-degree camera. Then, with the help of special software, they'll craft a virtual environment complete with audio and a soundtrack.
When: Monday 30 September - Tuesday 1 October
Time: Monday - 11:00am - 4:00pm, Tuesday: 9:30am - 2:30pm
Where: Nariel Valley Recreation Reserve
Recommended ages 12 +
No prior experience is necessary, spaces are limited!
For more information, contact Council at or 1300 365 222