
Winter Sleep Out for Feed the Little Children

By Lucas Western, Year 12

On Friday, 1 September, 44 Year 11 and 12 students and 6 staff participated in the inaugural, Trinity College Winter Sleepout for Feed the Little Children.


At 7 o'clock, we all gathered at Gibney Hall, filled with anticipation for the night ahead. We were seated in our groups, ready to embark on this meaningful adventure.


Following a warm welcome and introduction, we were introduced to Hannah, a St. Vincent de Paul worker with a wealth of knowledge about homelessness in Australian society. She revealed some staggering statistics, like how over 9,700 people are homeless in WA alone, and explained the three types of homelessness: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary. Hannah also made us do an activity in which we were given cards with items on them, and we had to identify the essentials if we were homeless. This really helped us delve into the shoes of a homeless person. Hannah's talk was truly eye-opening, giving us a deep insight into the daily struggles faced by those experiencing homelessness. 


After Hannah's enlightening talk, we were treated to a hearty meal of bread and soup, lovingly prepared by dedicated staff. It warmed our hearts and bellies, preparing us for the discussions that followed.


With our stomachs full, we delved into thought-provoking discussions led by Mr Testa, about homelessness and its impact on our community. It was a chance to learn, share, and connect with our fellow participants.


As the night descended upon us, it was time to get ready for bed. We gathered our belongings and made our way to the Sports Centre carpark, our sleeping quarters for the evening. Armed with cardboard, we did our best to set up a makeshift bed and prepared for a night of restless sleep.


The next morning, after a challenging night of tossing and turning, with our spirits unbroken we gathered our belongings and began to pack up. Overall, this experience was very insightful and was very crucial in helping raise funds for the vital Broome organisation, Feed the Little Children. We were able to raise $6,935.50 but we still need your help. 

Friday Community Mass

Another lovely turnout at our 8.00am Mass this week. A special thank you to our readers from 7.3 & 7.4 for hosting today’s Mass and to the Year 7 PCG teachers for supporting them. We love seeing our regulars also attending. Please remember that everyone is welcome to attend our Friday morning Mass. Thank you and God bless!

Year 8 Mass

Next Tuesday 12 September

Next Tuesday, our Year 8 cohort will be hosting the Year 8 Mass.  All parents, careers and family members are welcome to attend, and please join us after Mass for morning tea.


Rosa West

Director of Campus Ministry