Secondary School

Year 7 Step-A-Thon Fundraiser

On Friday, 25 September Year 7 students will fundraise for Br Ollie’s ‘Wheelchairs For Kids’ by completing a Step-A-Thon at the Western Australian Cricket Ground. Help encourage the students to complete as many steps as possible in approximately 20 minutes by donating today!

Italian Excursion

Year 9 Italian students visited Mister Focaccia in Leederville to have the opportunity to try traditional Barese style focaccia. They immersed themselves in Italian culture by mimicking what young Italians do, chatting, sharing a meal together while watching the world go by, as they say in Italy 'il dolce far niente'.

Year 7 in 2024

Dear Parents,

We are excited to let you know that limited places remain for Year 7 in 2024. We ask if you would like a Trinity College education, please contact us at the Registrar's office as soon as possible on 9219 1121 or send us a reply email to


Places will fill fast so don't delay. We look forward to assisting your son with his Trinity College journey. 

Year 7 Humanities

Our Year 7 students have been learning about Ancient Rome this term and to finish off the unit they were tasked with the challenge of building the Colosseum out of Lego. Great work everyone!


Zero 2 Hero

Mental Health Conference

Our Trinity students, embodying 'Men for Others,' attended the 'In Your Head' Mental Health Conference yesterday. They learned from inspiring speakers, panelists, and workshops to better understand and support adolescent mental health. Let's keep the conversation going!

AHISA Debating 

Competition Update

On Wednesday evening this week, Thomas Batten (7.7), Matteo Redolatti (7.3) and Spencer Hathrill (7.2) debated against the novice team from St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School on the topic: This House would pay Members of Parliament a minimum wage. 


While we did not come away with a win, the boys spoke with confidence and presented some very well researched and thoughtful points on why our Members of Parliament should most definitely only be paid a minimum wage, arguing that it would certainly put our MPs in touch with the people of Australia and hopefully push them to work harder to improve the lives of those who are currently on the minimum wage. 


This debate took place as part of the AHISA Debating Competition, and it is certainly testament to the willingness of our Year 7 and 8 team to continue to pursue their passion for Debating and their strong desire to do Trinity College proud. Well done, boys!


Year 9 Excursion

The Year 9 astronomers ventured to Bickley today to learn about Western Australia’s influence on the world's space knowledge. They viewed the sun through solar telescopes, got to see many different types of telescopes at the observatory and walked through the museum.