‘Forming lives of faith, hope and love in the light of Jesus Christ’.

Our Lady's Feast Day 

Happy Birthday Mother Mary! 


Mary’s birthday marks our Parish Feast Day- as well as our School’s Feast Day since we are named after Our Lady- Mary our Mother.

This week, we  celebrated our Blessed Mother because she was created and brought into this world by God and that alone is worth celebrating. We honour her simply because we love her and we celebrate her birthday.


As a school and parish community we reflected this week, upon the fact that Mother Mary is our mother. She truly is our mother and it's worth celebrating her birthday in the same way that we would celebrate anyone's birthday who was a member of our family. Our honouring of Mary, today, is a way of solidifying our bond with her and assuring her that we desire her to be an important part of our life.



Miss Pozzebon baked a special cake for Mary’s birthday.
Deb decorated Mary’s room for her birthday!
Miss Pozzebon baked a special cake for Mary’s birthday.
Deb decorated Mary’s room for her birthday!

Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for September