Grade 3/4

Marvellous few weeks of learning and fun!


Hoop Time - Monday 28th August

Hoop Time brings together school kids from across Victoria for single-day round robin tournaments held at local basketball stadiums.

What a day it was! Everyone had so much fun and the excitement was real, even the coaches and parents were sitting at the edge of their seats. 

ACPS qualified in 2 grand finals. The All Star Girls and Future Stars competed with schools from our district. Both teams played extremely well. 

Well done All Star Girls for the fantastic result. 

We would like to thank all parents and helpers, that joined us at the stadium, coached, scored and supported our teams. 




Book Week

Last Friday was a wonderful day, our classrooms were filled with colour, creativity and excitement. All students and staff dressed up as their favourite book character. We had an awesome day filled with countless enjoyable moments.

In the afternoon, students were entertained by Tony Bones from Books To Life in a theatrical performance about the award-winning book Jorn's Magnificent Imagination. The show was fantastic with lots of student participation. It was a brilliant way to finish off an enjoyable day.