Leadership Report

Term 3  is flying by and there's a lot happening over the last few weeks of term.


Sports Day planning is well underway and we look forward to another great event on Wednesday 20th September. Information will go out to families soon. Our senior choir is finalising their preparation for the Festival or Music Concert on Saturday 22nd September. The Year 6s are planning their much-anticipated yearly market day as part of their Business and Economics learning on Monday 25th September. 


We celebrated SSO week this week, which gives us an opportunity to acknowledge and thank our amazingly talented and dedicated support staff. Without them, the school could not possibly be the great place that it is. Thank you! 


We farewell Lex Bremner, who has gone on maternity leave, and we welcome Parniyan Ilkhani, who will be teaching in M4 for the rest of the year. 


Don't forget our school closure day for the Royal Adelaide Show on Friday 8th September, followed by a pupil free day on Monday 11th September. OSHC is open on both days and places are still available. Please contact OSHC on 83325726 or book via the Xplor App.


The end of Term 3 is a time when some families may like to book in a learning conversation. We know that many parents and caregivers touch base regularly but just in case you haven't, now is a good time to get in touch with your child's teacher. Conversations can be held over the phone or in person. Please contact your child's teacher to organise a time. 


Parents and caregivers from Reception to Year 5 would have received a 2024 class placement form via email last week. The information requested is crucial to help us with our initial planning for next year. It is important that every child has a form completed and returned to us. 


Some parents may want to provide additional information that they would like the school to consider when placing students in classes for 2024. This information must be provided in writing and can be emailed to me directly via email: j.iannunzio8@schools.sa.edu.au


Please note:  All previous requests do not carry forward to the following year. You will need to resubmit requests each year for the next school year.   


Due to the volume of requests, we are unable to have face-to-face meetings to discuss class placement information, unless initiated by the school, and we do not accept requests for individual teachers. All written requests need to be submitted by the last day of Term 3 – Friday 29th September. 


Kind regards


John Iannunzio
