Specialist - PE


It has been a very busy term in the PE department of Miners Rest Primary School!  

For three weeks, all classes were engaged in some serious basketball skill development using our beautiful Kim Barne Nijti facility to its absolute MAXIMUM!  We all loved passing, dribbling and shooting hoops during class time and it was a BONUS to see so many students feeling confident to use their new found skills to play basketball during snack and lunch times.  

Senior classes were given the opportunity to experience a sport that is American based but has recently seen a growth in popularity in Australia, Lacrosse.  Our coach, Tasi, has been playing Lacrosse for decades and really enjoyed coaching our Year 5/6 students in the art of throwing, catching and match tactics.  We saw a large number of children really thrive with this fast paced game and are looking to potentially launch a school based team in the future.  

For the final weeks of term all of our active kids will be engaged in everything, SOCCER!  We are so proud of the recent efforts of our Australian women’s team in the FIFA World Cup Tournament that we have seen a spark in interest amongst boys and girls alike.  We will be covering all aspects of the game including, passing, dribbling, throw ins, goal scoring and basic rules.  Soccer is a brilliant, inclusive, safe sport that is easily accessible to all ability levels.  If you can run and kick a ball, you can have a red hot go at soccer.  


GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN to the following students, staff and parent helpers that are attending a sporting or school event in the coming weeks of term 3!

*Girls and boys basketball teams attending the local all schools basketball tournament at Selkirk Stadium on Wednesday the 23rd of August.

*Year 3 campers who are heading off to Cave Hill Creek on Wednesday the 23rd of August.

*Zone Athletics participants who will travel to Llanberris Reserve on Tuesday the 5th of September to compete in an event they excelled in during our Miners Rest Primary School Sports Carnival.

Get out there, give it a go and do it all with a smile on your face!


Katherine and Miss Wood (Em)