Inclusion & Engagement 


Attendance is a fundamental part of a child's education. Having students attend every day helps to create the building blocks for great education. Students who miss school in the early years, miss out on the fundamental skills needed for later success. Every day missed can put students behind, which effects their educational outcomes in the future. There is no safe amount of days that can be missed and each day missed can lead to lower achievement in reading, writing and numeracy.


Please communicate any absences with the school. Some of the main reasons for missing school are:

Sickness - There are times when students need to stay home, especially during illness. However, establishing some healthy habits such as eating well, getting exercise and sleep will help to prevent some sicknesses.

Family Holidays - Holidays should always be booked during school holidays where possible. If you know you're going to be away on a family holiday during term, please check in with school staff to seek support.


Some tips for parents:

  • Talk positively about attending school.
  • Avoid making appointments during school hours.
  • Seek help from school if you are concerned about a students wellbeing.


Remember every day counts!