Year 2 News

From Kaajal, Year 2 Teacher

Scienceworks Excursion




Year 2 have been exploring all things science and kicked it off with an excursion to Science Works on Thursday! The students started with exploring Sports works where there were loads of fun activities like; sprinting, balancing, testing reflexes and co-ordination. Next, students made their way to the Energy Lab where they sat through a presentation all about Toys & Forces. Students learnt about how nearly all toys use forces like push, pull and gravity! This was exciting as it tied back to what the students have been learning about in Science at school with Kimalee. 




After lunch, students went to ‘Beyond Perception’. Here, students were immersed in large scale experiences that revealed the invisible fields and forces that surround us, such as gravitational waves, invisible light, sound and aerodynamics. 



Then we went to ‘Think Ahead’. It was so fun and exciting to see what our future would look like. Students could create prototype model cars, future cities and even explore milestones in medicine and health, including the' da Vinci Surgical Robot'. 


Overall, it was such a fun day and an exciting way to begin science week. Bring on two more days of crazy chemicals and team building activities at school!