Prep News

From Julia, Prep teacher



We went for a walk around North Melbourne as part of our Geography unit. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the kids were full of excitement! The focus for Geography is on the world immediately around our students and how it relates to our own lives - places and spaces we go, how we use them, what we do there, and places we wish we had closer to us. We thought about ice cream shops, giant trampolines and amusement parks! We also learnt what a place is - somewhere we go that doesn’t move. Students had a check-list of things to see (trams, the hospital and Royal Park) and a safety buddy to practise safe walking.


We’ve been practising addition and subtraction and have learnt that addition makes numbers bigger and subtraction makes them smaller. We’ve been practising writing number sentences and learning the symbols that represent addition, subtraction, equals. We’ve also been learning that equals acts like the middle of a balancing scale and that both sides of an equation need to be even for it to be true.


We’ve been working on making our writing more detailed by using topic specific vocabulary. An exciting focus for us has been writing about 'Charlie and Lola' by Lauren Child. These are a great range of books to help students develop their imagination, so if you’re looking for a good read to borrow from the Library, the Prep Team highly recommends!