Cross Campus Connections

Ensuring that there is a strong ongoing connection between both campuses is important to our school. Over the coming weeks and months, we will aim to foster authentic opportunities for all students to visit and attend each campus, to collaborate, and to allow our school community to come together as a whole. We will share as many of these as possible with you in the newsletter.

Mid-Term Whole School Assembly

From Adrienne, Acting Assistant Principal 


We were excited to come together in our Mid-Term Whole School Assembly last Friday! This event was all about coming together as a community, celebrating our students' progress, and giving everyone a chance to share in the excitement of their learning.


It was wonderful to see our amazing students taking the spotlight. 


We had the delightful opportunity to hear from our Year 1 students, who shared their newfound understanding of author's purpose and messaging through their beloved fairy tales. Their insightful interpretations reminded us of the magic of storytelling and the important life lessons that are often hidden within the pages of our favourite tales. 


Our Preps spoke about themselves as explorers on their walk around our North Melbourne community, learning about what services and places we find in our community such as cafes, hospitals, and parks. 


Our Year 2 students took the stage to share their fascinating discoveries in science - learning about the principles of push and pull, demonstrating how everyday actions are governed by these fundamental forces.


The Year 4s presented learning on the intriguing world of voting and elections after their Incursion. It was evident that our Year 4 students are not only learning about civic processes but are also preparing to be informed and engaged citizens who can contribute positively to their communities.


Thank you for being part of our community!