Congratulations Elly

35 Years of Service

Written by Gabi, Assistant Principal


North Melbourne Primary School would like to congratulate Elly Benjamin on 35 years of Service to the Education Department. Over the past 35 years Elly has taught Years 1-6 many times and has contributed to our school and community in so many ways.


When reflecting on her 35 years of service, Elly recalls once turning her classroom into a rainforest using as much recycled material as they could. They had vines hanging from the ceiling, 100 fluttering butterflies, cassowaries, snakes and colourful birds. Ferns, fungi and a little stream graced the floor. They even had green spotlights in each corner and green blackout curtains. Her principal at the time was so impressed, she had a reporter from the local paper come for an interview and photos!


One year when the P.E teacher went on leave for a term, Elly was asked (she suggests this might have been due to her youth!) to organise all the teams for the interschool sports competition and train them. Whilst she claims to not being a sporting star herself and having never taught PE, Elly saw the task as an exciting (if a little nerve-wracking) challenge. They had come second the previous three years, so the pressure was on. Elly identifies that she remembers spending so many nights pouring over the time trial results to organise the teams for the Year 4-6 events and spent every spare moment before school and at play times training. This should be a story/lesson about hard work, organisation and perseverance and not about winning. Well, when the announcer called out the results on the day, North Melbourne didn't come second – we came first!


The real highlight of the past 35 years for Elly has been getting to know 35 years-worth of amazing, intelligent and humorous students who have gone on to be the most inspiring young adults. She has taught 35 classes with an average class total of 25.  A math riddlle for or all the mathematicians: how many students might that be?


On behalf on NMPS, we congratulate Elly on a monumental achievement and thank her for her invaluable contributions to our school, our community and our students.