Year 6 News
From Elly, Year 6 teacher
Incursion - digital wellbeing and safety
Year 6 students engaged with interactive presentations, designed to empower young people to take control of their own digital safety and wellbeing. Students discovered:
- how to self-manage their own digital lives
- how easy it can be to overshare online
- ways to protect privacy and personal data
- social protocols online
- their responsibilities as online citizens by discussing how they can establish positive and respectful relationships online.
Further information can be found
The Viewer by Shaun Tan and Gary Crew
This is a story of a boy whose obsession with curious artifacts leads him to discover a mysterious box at a dump site. It proves to be an ancient chest full of optical devices, one of which captures his interest; a viewer toy that contains cryptic scenes of destruction, violence and the collapse throughout history. The boy is afraid, but cannot help looking into the machine time and time again as the images shift and change.
Many of the images depicted were of tragic events that have happened though history, but we decided to take a positive slant when we looked through ‘our viewer’. Students researched positive historical events, including their own personal timelines, then created a viewer poster of positive events and even interviewed a friend about their own special moment.