Whole School News

JSC News

Lunchtime Clubs

Busking For Change

This year, Rosanna Primary school students, teachers and community are Busking For Change, changemakers. This is a new musical fundraiser by the Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF). Simply put, students will learn to sing a song in English and Kriol and raise money for their efforts. Each participating student is invited to create their own fundraising page (linked to the school page), but you can also just donate to our school page if this is easier.  If you sign your student up and link it to our school page, then they can set their own fundraising goal and share how they are participating in Busking For Change with family and friends. As a school community we have a goal to raise $500, but we may be able to raise much more than that!  (There are prizes that can be won for our school should we manage to raise more). All funds raised help kids and families in remote Communities access and create books in the languages they speak at home. 

Please check out our school page https://buskingforchange.ilf.org.au/rosanna-primary-school and learn more about this joyful fundraiser that helps us all to be changemakers.


Our performance day will be Friday 15th September, held on site at Rosanna Primary School as part of our end of term assembly. You are more than welcome to attend this, to watch our children in action, ‘Busking for Change’.

Sports News

Tomorrow, we play Rosanna Golf Links P.S at home. Our bat tennis and rounders teams will be played at RPS, and our soccer team will be walking to Macleod Park.  Games begin at 12.15 pm with girls’ teams playing first. 


Good Luck to all teams.

Kelli Zealley


Book Club - Issue 6

Magazines for Issue 6 of Book Club  have been sent home.


Every purchase from the Scholastic Book Club not only gives your child wonderful educational resources at home, but also contributes to the school Library collection which benefits all of the school children. 


There are 4 ways to order: 


1. By credit card using LOOP, where you complete the book order and pay online – nothing needs to be sent back to school 


2. Credit card over the phone, you still need to complete an order form & return it to school with the 11-digit receipt number 


3. Cash (correct money) in an envelope with the completed order form 


4. Cheque (made payable to Scholastic Australia) with the completed order form 


Orders are due back to school by Friday 1 September, with delivery around one week later.


Students Of The Week


Term 3 - Week 7


Congratulations to our leaders of learning!


Prep K - Hannah W and Izzy R

Prep S - Ace A and Summer H

Prep E - Wolfe C and Zoe L

1/2N -  Howard G

1/2K - Yusuf M and Liam B

1/2 R - Molly H 

1/2W - Estelle S and Alex H

3/4B - Ophelia D and Ruby S-N

3/4S - Ahmed M and Oliver B

3/4J - Alice H and Zayn K

3/4T - Emily B and Tahlia C

5/6H - Oliver M and Nephi J

5/6D - Olivia M and Noah S

5/6T - Cate W and Javier L-P


House Cup 


Term 3 - Week 5 Winner:  Blue Gum!!


Blue Gum - 9 Points

Red Waratah - 10 Points

Golden Wattle -  4 Points

Green Grevillea - 2 Points