Our Catholic Identity

Season of Creation 

Last Friday, we gathered together as a Catholic School Community to begin the Season of Creation with the World Day of Prayer for Creation. The Liturgy was led respectfully by many of the St Joseph’s students and we are grateful for their contribution in helping us to acknowledge this significant time. 


The annual celebration takes place from September 1, to October 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The Season of Creation is a liturgical season dedicated to prayer, reflection, and celebration of God as Creator. It also celebrates and reflects prayerfully on the gifts of creation and the mission given us by God to care for creation and respond to its needs and crises today. As we enter into this significant season, we reflect on the initiatives that take place throughout St Joseph’s that live out the message of Pope Francis in his encyclical, 'Laudato si'. Some of these include; the Green Thumbs team, the WEN (Wollongong Environmental Network) team, Mini-Vinnies, Waste-Free Wednesdays and Compost bins for each classroom. 


From our Green Thumbs! 

“On Thursday August 31, Stage 3 traveled to the Botanical Gardens in Wollongong for World Environment Day. We were taken to multiple activities. Each activity taught us about certain aspects of our environment, how we can protect it and also behind the scenes of the gardens. There were two different types of greenhouses: one was succulent and the other was tropical. They taught us how to make the right environment for particular plants and species. Some favourite activities were the play presented to us about Fogos. Fogo stands for Food Organics Garden Organics. The play was funny and taught us what to and what not to place in the Fogos. Another crowd pleasing activity was called: Foods Of The Forest. For this activity, we were taken through the rainforest trail and were shown what some of the trees provided and the medical properties they can make. We had a lot of fun, and even saw a bush turkey! We had a lovely time at the Botanical Gardens and the Greenthumbs can’t wait to implement some of the new things we learnt into our school.” 


Here is what Year 5 had to say! 

  • “I learned lots about how to be fire safe, the best way to escape a fire and how to protect our home from a fire.” - Harry Year 5
  • “It was interesting to learn about the difference between Native Australian Bees and Honey Bees as well as the important role they play in our ecosystem. - Molly Year 5
  • “I really enjoyed all of the workshops, learning about God’s Creation and how we can care for it and protect it.”Sahara Year 5 
  • “I was fascinated how embers in fires spread really quickly as well as the importance of backburning.” - Leo Year 5, 
  • “I liked learning about succulents and making our own terrariums.” - Zoe Year 5,
  • “I really enjoyed looking at the different trees and learning about Native Birds that live in them!” - Kira Year 5


First Holy Communion

We continue to pray for our Year 3 students who are preparing to make the Sacrament of First Holy Communion this Sunday, 10 September and 17 September at the 8:30 am and 5:30 pm Masses. 


Fr Patrick has warmly invited any Year 3 students to read at the First Holy Communion Masses or be involved in the presentation of the Gifts (Offertory Procession). Please email the school office if you or your child would like to participate in this way.

Sacramental Parent Prayer Evening - Year 2

Fr Patrick has invited ALL Year 2 parents whose child/ren are making the Sacrament of First Reconciliation 2023/First Holy Communion 2024 in the Bulli Parish to attend a Parent Prayer Evening in the Church on Wednesday 1 November at 6pm.


This is for parents/carers only (not children). On this evening enrolment forms will be handed out.   Note:  Please be aware that a copy of Baptismal Certificates are required with enrolment form.


Sacrament of First Reconciliation (Year 2) Date Change

Term 4 Week 6 - Thursday 16 November at 9:45 am in the Church

St Joseph’s Bulli Mass times

We are so blessed to have a church so closely connected with our school. Please see below this week’s Mass times.


Sunday: 8:30 am 

Sunday: 5:30 pm

Quick Quiz! 

When the Priest says; “The Lord be with you.”

Our response is…? 


St. Francis of Assisi is the patron Saint of….? 







Mr Alexander Walker 

Acting Religious Education Coordinator