School News

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Handbook


PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning)

Ask your child about the weekly focus for students.


This week's focus: Be respectful to your peers-

THINK before you speak and act.


Happy Birthday

We wish all our students a very happy birthday who celebrated their special day over the last week.



1 September - Finn P Year 6

2 September - Bianca S Year 5, Violet L Year 2 and Emily I Year 1

3 September - Harvey W Year 2

4 September - Honor B Year 6 and Eloise R Kinder

5 September - Zaine B Year 5, Austin P Year 2, Daisy M Year 1 and Rufaro B Year 1

6 September - Jennifer D Year 3

7 September - Ming C Year 4




No assembly next week..

There will be no whole school assembly next week, Friday 16 September 2023 due to preparations for our Spring Fair.


Our whole school assembly that will take place in Week 10, Friday 22 September will commence at 1.45pm.

A Big Thank you...

Thank you to St Joseph's P&F for organising this year's Father Day Stall, students loved purchasing a special treat for their Dads/special person.


 Congratulations to the following students who won a prize in the Father's Day Raffle.

Prize 1Harriett, KJ
Prize 2May F, 2J
Prize 3Lucas M, 2J
Prize 4Cooper O, 4M
Prize 5Evan S, 6J
Prize 6Evelyn P, KJ
Prize 7Layken L, 4J
Prize 8Louie B, 4J
Prize 9Katrina G, 6M
Prize 10Chelsea L, 1M
Prize 11Mason R, 1M
Prize 12Emily A, 5J

Mathematics at SJB

What do teachers do at school when the students are not there? Make the number 248 of course! There are so many ways to demonstrate 248 with different concrete materials to aid in the understanding of place value. Here are our teachers working to improve their teaching practices experiencing similar tasks to the students in the primary grades.


Fabiola Walls

Year 4 Support


NSW Parliament House Tour

" On Tuesday the School Captains went to the NSW Parliament House in Sydney. This day included a very fun train ride up and back with us MISSING our train back, but with playing some fun games it made it better. At Parliament we explored the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly where we did a role play asking for Taco Tuesday to be a law! We had fun learning about Parliament and how they enforce laws. It was such an amazing trip with Mrs Walls." 

Hannah M, Hayes G, & Finn P


Bulli Park Bike Track

Recently, some students have arrived at school and are diverting over to the Bulli Park bike track across the road. Year 5 and 6 students have this week been reminded that when arriving at school they should enter the school and not go to the bike track.


In the interests of student safety and because of inappropriate behaviours which damage the reputation of the school,  students are not permitted to go to the bike track before or after school in their school uniform. When students are dismissed from school they should go immediately home or to their designated care. Of course, once at home students can change out of their uniform and go to the bike track with parental permission. No student should be at the bike track in school uniform or before they have gone home.


Students riding to and from school should ride safely using pathways rather than the roads. There have been reports recently of students riding unsafely to and from school.


This information will soon be updated in the school handbook, the Bicycle Riders Permission form, and the school's road safety plan.

Lost Property

Do any of these items belong to you?


If so, please collect from the school office.





Pupil Free Days Term 4

Please note that Term 4 will begin on Wednesday 11 October for students. Monday and Tuesday will be pupil-free days and professional learning days for teachers. 

Is your child's name on all their belongings and uniform?

Please check that your child/ren's uniform has been marked with their name. Sometimes names wear off.


Many students have been losing items of uniform that never seem to turn up. 


If you find another child's uniform item among your child's please return it to school. Other families will be very grateful.

Student Absences

Thank you to all parents who are now using Compass to explain student absences. 


Please use COMPASS to advise of WHOLE DAY ABSENCES ONLY.


If your child is leaving school to attend an appointment could you please advise the school office via email.  Please DO NOT enter PARTIAL absences through COMPASS.


Library News

Students' library class visits for Term 3 are as follows.


MONDAYYear 6, 5J,1M & KM
TUESDAYYear 3 & 2M 
MONDAY5M, 4M, 1J & KJ 


Mrs Holly Pirie

Teacher Librarian

Sports News

Sports Uniform Days - Term 3

Students are required to wear sports uniform as outlined below.


Please be advised that students will be required to wear their sports uniform the following days.


Days required to wear sports uniform


Wednesday & Friday

Year 1

Monday & Wednesday

Year 2

Monday and Thursday

(Please note the change of uniform days for Term 3)

Year 3

Tuesday & Thursday

(Please note the change of uniform days for Term 3)

Year 4

Wednesday & Friday 

Year 5

Monday & Wednesday

Year 6

Tuesday & Friday


All Schools National Swimming Championships

Congratulations to London C in Year 6 who represented NSWPSSA at the 2023 All Schools National Swimming Championships. London showed outstanding talent and sportspersonship placing:

  • 5th in 100m breaststroke 
  • 11th in 50m breaststroke 
  • 5th in 200m Freestyle Relay 
  • 6th in 200m IM Relay 

Her 200m IM relay team were also awarded a special Sportsperson Certificate from the Head of Australian School Sports at the closing ceremony for the way they handled themselves when an error was made in the results. 



Please note that the canteen will be closed on Friday 15 September.


Open Monday to Friday for recess and lunch.


Cash purchases for snacks and drinks can be made at recess and lunchtime. Snacks and drinks can also be ordered via the new platform FlexiSchools.


Lunch orders

Orders for lunch can only be made through Flexischools.  Please note that orders close at 9.15am daily.  Orders cannot be placed after this time.



Flexischool Parent Support Line - 1300 361 769 (Hours: 7.00am-12.00 noon)


Lunch Pack - Tuesday 19 September

Catholic Care

OOSH, Out of School Hours care at St Joseph's 


Mobile:  0437 713 067

Booking Information

Enrolment Form

CatholicCare Website


Service hours

Before School Care

7:00am – 8:30am

After School Care

2:45pm – 6:00pm


If you require the use of OOSH for your child/ren you need to be enrolled in the service prior to commencing. 


Casual bookings

If your child already uses the service and you requireacasual booking please do this viathe Xplor app. 


Before School Care: Bookings are to be made no later than 5:30 pm the night before

After School Care: Bookings are to be made no later than 9:00 am that morning


Casual booking must be made as per the times above to ensure enough staff. If notice is not provided within these time frames and the service does not have sufficient staff your child/ren will be sent to the office for collection. This is something that we all wish to avoid, so please keep in mind the time frames to help support the service.


If there is an emergency and care is needed please phone and leave a message and we will see what we can do.


If you do have any questions, need clarification, or have any feedback please feel free to contact the service mobile during operating hours on 0437 713 067 or Jacinta, Team Leader – 0407 759 720.

Community Notices

Holy Spirit College - Introducing the 2024 College Captains


Netball New South Wales  - Spring Netball



Football South Coast