Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School



Principal:                         Kevin Oakey






Assistant Principal:     Kellie Stewart









Assistant Principal:     Scott Zachariassen



6Hr Row (x4) - Level 6 Event

Get in behind the Level 6 students who are supporting a really important charity, Gotcha4Life  This organisation supports initiatives around youth mental health, a very important issue right now.

The Level 6 students are going to replicate the 24 Hr Row by doing 4x6hr Row on Friday 6 October.

Please support their initiative by donating to their cause. Encourage family and friends and businesses to support as well. Click on the QR code below or Jells Park PS Rowers - Gotcha4Life 24 Hour Row 2023 search for Jells Park PS Rowers, donate on the right side of the page. There is already $743 donated, however the boys target is $5000.

IMPORTANT - Canteen Shop window

The canteen shop window is open at recess and lunchtime to provide snacks and refreshments to students. All these items are reasonable priced and are intended as snacks or treats, not as a lunch replacement.

I am asking parents to ensure they limit the amount of money provided to your children for purchases at the window. Most items sell for gold coin values, so at most a child shouldn't need more than $5.

Sending greater amounts of money causes plenty of additional issue for the canteen staff and the teachers, particularly is those larger amounts are lost. Please make every attempt to limit spending to a maximum of $5.

Parent Opinion Survey - Last Call

Reminder - This very important survey is out and all families have been invited to complete it. It is vitally important for us to hear from our 'clients' about what we do well and where we could improve. The Parent Opinion Survey (POS) is a critical assessment tool for the school and the Department.

We are currently at just 11% of responses - please see if you can find 20minutes to get this done. Please contact the office if you wish the link to be sent out again. This survey closes next week.

Jells Park Parent Committee - thanks

Have you seem the new seating that has been installed under the shade sail at the front of the school???  The four bench seat there look fantastic. Please look under the JPPC Activities section of this newsletter for a picture.




Kevin Oakey



Disability Inclusion

Disability Inclusion is an important part of the work JPPS staff do every day. At JPPS we recognise that all students are capable of learning and achieving their goals regardless of their ability. As Assistant Principal at this school  I am in the privileged position to witness this in Student Support Group meetings and in classrooms on a regular basis. Our teaching staff work hard to identify every students' strengths and needs, and make adjustments to the teaching and learning programs so all students have equal access. We are proud of the work we do in this area at JPPS and believe all our students are accepting and understanding of each other regardless of the differences. Over the next 2 years the Department of Education is changing the way students with disabilities are being supported in the North East Victoria Region and I am excited to see how this new model will benefit our students and programs.

Father's Day

Happy father’s day to all the Father’s, Grandfathers and special people in our students lives, we hope you have a lovely day on Sunday celebrating with family and friends.


Have a lovely weekend.


Kellie Stewart

Assistant Principal