Year Five/ Six

Communicating with the Year Five/Six Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Llewela Humphries (Class 56A)
Melissa Woollard (Class 56B)
Stacey Bowles (Class 56C)
What will you find in this issue:
Maths Overview / Book Week and Father's Day Celebrations/5-6 Timetables
Maths OVERVIEW - Term Three
In Maths this Term we have been looking at different topics within the three strands: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability.
Number and Algebra: In Number and Algebra we have revising addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Students have also been looking at fractions, decimals and percentages and linking these together. In our classes we have been revising different strategies that students can use to work out the solution e.g. CUBES (Circle, Underline, Box, Evaluate, Solve for worded problems.
In recent weeks we have been doing the topic money with students having lots of fun planning their own birthday party. Students were given $100 to plan, research using different online shopping websites e.g. Coles, Woolworths, Kmart and 'buy' all the products necessary. All students did a fantastic job with this project!
Measurement and Geometry: We started out term exploring flips (reflection), slides (translation) and turns (rotation). Students translated, reflected and rotates different shapes and letters. We also explored the topic of cartesian planes by looking at all four quadrants and how to read and map coordinates. Students completed a fun task where they had to map coordinated in all four quadrants to make a picture of a shark.
Statistics and Probability: Earlier in the term students did the topic of Chance. They revisited the language of chance (likely, unlikely, certain, impossible) and looked at events that could fall within each category.
For the last two weeks students have been collecting weather data and recording the data they collect on a collection sheet. Students were asked to record the weather each day in Upwey and another city from anywhere in the world. This data is going to be used to make graphs and students will compare the two different cities and their temperatures over the two weeks.
Book Week Celebrations
On Thursday 24th August USPS celebrated Book Week. The theme of Book Week for 2023 was 'Read, Grow, Inspire'. Book Week is celebrated across Australia to promote the importance of reading and the joy that children can find in it.
It was great to see so many of our 5/6 students dress up as different book characters!
Father's Day/Special Person Afternoon
Last Friday we celebrated Father's Day with a special Father's Day/Special Person afternoon.
Students and their special person had lots of fun playing different games in the Senior Gallery including puzzles, Jenga, chess, checkers, Twister and Uno.
Thank you to all our amazing families for a fabulous Term Three. We hope you all have a fun and safe holiday break and we look forward to an amazing Term Four.
Llew, Melissa and Stacey.
Timetables - Term Three
Below you will find the base timetable for our five specialist sessions. Please be aware that these times may change due to school activities.
5/6 A
Science: Tuesday 1:20pm
Physical Education: Wednesday 8.50am
Performing Arts: Thursday 11:00am
Visual Arts: Thursday 11:50am
Auslan: Thursday 1:20pm
Science: Monday 11.00am
Performing Arts: Tuesday 1.20pm
Physical Education: Tuesday 2.40pm
Visual Arts: Thursday 11.00am
Auslan: Thursday 11.50am
Science: Monday 11.50am
Visual Arts: Tuesday 1.20pm
Physical Education: Wednesday 1.20pm
Auslan: Thursday 11am
Performing Arts: Thursday 11.50am