Year Three/ Four

Communicating with the Year Three/Four Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Melinda Rowe (Class 34A)
Lachlan Prasad (Class 34B)
Michelle Wright (Class 34C)
It has been a busy term in Mathematics! Throughout the term we have spent time focusing on Fractions and Decimals, Money and Financial Math, and Measurement and Geometry.
Fractions and Decimals
We spent the first few weeks of the term learning about fractions and decimals. The students explored what a fraction is, the different types of fractions (mixed and improper), how to draw fractions and how to find equivalent fractions. It was great to see the students becoming more confident using fractions.
After learning about fractions, we then spent some time learning about decimals and the relationship between decimals and fractions. The students learnt what a decimal is, how to convert a fraction into a decimal, and the importance of Place Value when using decimal numbers.
Money and Financial Mathematics
Following on from decimals, the students began exploring money. Here again, it was important that they understand Place Value, and we made connections between decimals, fractions and money. The students used play money to create amounts (eg, how many ways can you make $1). We played games to learn how to add and subtract money, and to calculate how much change we would receive from a purchase. To finish our money unit, the students got to visit "Leisure Land" with their grandparents with a budget of $100. The students enjoyed calculating how many rides they could go on, how much food they could buy and how many souvenirs they could purchase.
Measurement & Geometry
To finish the term, the students have been exploring shapes, shape manipulation, grid references and maps, and angles. The students revised what 2D and 3D shapes are, and demonstrated their knowledge by using cereal boxes to create a Geometry Village. The students then learnt about shape manipulation; using transformations, making patterns, exploring symmetry and creating tesselations. Last week, the students explored maps and grid references. They learnt how to create a map, how to read grid references and how to give directions. The students demonstrated what they learnt by creating a map of the school and giving directions to a location from their classroom. To finish the term, we have been exploring angles. The students have learnt the three main types of angles, and practiced finding angles in artwork.
On Thursday 24th August, our school celebrated book week with a dress up day. The students looked amazing in their outfits. As part of the day, students shared the books that they represented and we also read some of these books.
We had a fun filled afternoon celebrating with our dads and special people. It was great to see everyone enjoying the various activities offered. We hope you all were spoilt for Father's Day! Please enjoy persusing some of the happy snaps taken at the photo booth.
On Monday 4th of September, we had The History Box visit our school to share information and experiences about First Australians and Early Settlement. The students heard stories about people arriving on the First Fleet, dressed up as Aboriginal Australian and members of the First Fleet, and discovered games and customs from those early times. The students thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on experience and learning what life was like for the first Europeans to arrive in Australia.
Play, Imagine, Create Incursion
On Tuesday 12th September, we were treated to a wonderful full day incursion organised by Mikhaela Ebony; a local artist. The incursion consisted of three workshops: Dance, Drama and Circus. Each workshop was facilitated by a local industry professional. The students LOVED it, and it was so amazing to see each student push themselves out of their comfort zone to try something new. A huge thank you to Ms Lang for organising this wonderful incursion for us!
With camp quickly approaching, we would like to remind you of a few details.
- Payments are due by Tuesday 3rd October. This is the first week of Term 4.
- Camp is in Week 4 of Term 4: Monday 23rd October - Wednesday 25th October.
The school holidays are the perfect time to go through the packing list and ensure your child has everything they will need. Please ensure ALL items are clearly named.
We also encourage you to organise some sleepovers for your child during the holidays, so they are used to sleeping away from home.
If you have any questions or concerns about camp, please contact your child's classroom teacher.
The homework in the Year 3/4 level generally consists of daily reading, learning times tables and learning specified spelling words.
Please note that it is expected that your child has their diary at school every day.
We recommend that your child reads daily and records their reading into their diary. This should include the book title, author and pages read. Ideally, the child should be reading to a parent if possible as this helps with fluency, expression and comprehension.
When students complete progress monitioring or cumulative review spelling assessments, any words that students had trouble with, are then used as spelling words. These words will be written into your child's diary. We encourage students to practice spelling these words daily as homework.
Students have now completed a times table assessment to check their understanding and knowledge. Students have been instructed to start learning a particular set of times tables. Your child should be learning these out of order and be able to have an automatic response when the question is asked of them. Once they are confident in knowing the set of times tables, your child will then let their teacher know they are ready to be tested. If they are able to show confidence in recalling the set of tables, they will then receive their next set of times tables to learn.
Please find below the times that each class are scheduled to have their specialist classes. Please note that these times are subject to change for example during swimming weeks etc.
Tuesday 2:40pm: Science
Wednesday 9:40am: PE
Thursday 1:20pm: Visual Art
Friday 11am: Performing Arts
Friday 11:50am: Japanese
Tuesday 2:40pm: Performing Arts
Wednesday 11am: PE
Thursday 9:40am: Visual Art
Friday 11am: Japanese
Friday 11:50am: Science
Tuesday 2:40pm: Visual Art
Wednesday 11:50am: PE
Thursday 9:40am: Japanese
Friday 11am: Science
Friday 11:50am: Performing Arts