From the  Principal 

Karen Roberts

Greetings, Wonderful Parents, Guardians, and Students! 

As the crisp air begins to warm and the blossoms peek through, it's with great delight that I welcome you to the upcoming spring season at Carnegie PS. 

With every passing day, we grow closer to a year filled with new opportunities and exciting learning experiences. I am absolutely thrilled to share some incredible news: Starting this year with a vision for full implementation in 2024, we are embarking on a journey to enhance literacy education like never before. I am excited to announce the introduction of the Orton-Gillingham approach to our curriculum. This innovative method will be integrated into our classrooms, nurturing the foundations of literacy. What's more, our dedicated junior school teachers are, and will be undergoing specialised training in this approach, ensuring that our students receive the highest quality of education. 

What does this mean? 

It will mean that Carnegie PS will deliver a systematic approach to their literacy teaching and teachers will have the knowledge and skills to address learning difficulties. This research-based method offers personalised techniques to support diverse learning styles, ensuring each student's reading and writing journey is successful. Get ready for a brighter future of literacy learning! 

We will be purchasing specific resources to support this approach. You will see a change to the take home books with ‘decodable readers’ becoming the norm as students learn to ‘crack the code’ of reading. 

Let's step into spring with hearts full of anticipation and a continued commitment to nurturing young minds! 



Congratulations to all our year 3 to 6 students who participated in the Athletics Carnival on Monday 14th August. The weather was fair and the spirits high. Well done to all the children who achieved a personal best or challenged a school record. Special thanks goes to Mr Pollard and Mr Hodges, for spending many hours preparing and organising the day. Thanks also to the mums and dads who assisted on the day. The District Athletics will be held shortly, and we encourage all involved to train hard and reach for the stars!


Thank you for your efforts to create some innovative costumes for the book parade last week. Thank you to Mr Nathan for his technological prowess and for Mrs Knight for leading the charge; sharing her passion for book week with our staff and students. All classes have had the opportunity to read a variety of the shortlisted books over the past few weeks. These will be available for student borrowing in the near future. We also acknowledge the Carnegie kinder students who attended the parade.


Our school is conducting the annual survey to find out what parents /caregivers think of our school. The Parent/Caregiver/ Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department that is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement. We encourage all families to participate in this survey. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. 

This year, all families are invited to participate in the survey. We have so far had 115 families respond to the survey and are required by the Department of Education to have another 25 families participate in order to have 30 percent of families' views represented.

All families received an invite, via Compass. Thank you to those of you who have already chosen to complete the survey. We value your feedback. 

The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete. 

To complete the survey, simply:

Click on the link below or copy and paste the text into your browser. This link will take you directly to the survey.

Select the School and Campus name below.

School Name: Carnegie Primary School 

You will need to use our CPS PIN which has been published on Compass. If you require a copy of the PIN, please contact the school office on 95712662.

When complete, please click on the tick button at the end of the survey to submit your answers.


A reminder to students and parents that we wear our Carnegie PS uniforms with pride. Hoodies and other jumpers from local sport clubs are not Carnegie uniforms and should not be worn to school. We have many jumpers and bomber jackets available in the second hand uniform shop, if your child has lost theirs. 


Hard to believe, but I attended a special ceremony last month to recognise my service to the Department of Education. It was a major milestone for me. In fact, I have completed more service to the Department than what is the age of some of our teachers! Here’s a photo of me receiving my award with Ian Burrage, who is the Department’s Regional Director.

Here’s to many more achievements, both now and for the future at Carnegie PS.


Karen Roberts