Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander News 



Week 4 

Halle Hollands - For her thoughtful contributions in classroom discussions and remaining focused when completing set tasks.  

Cooper Simpson - For his increased focus and effort in independently completing Reading Workshop tasks.

Lily Key - For her kind and caring attitude towards her peers and her willingness to help others. 

Regan Moodie - For his efforts during maths when dividing numbers with remainders.

Eddie Cory - For his increased focus in History and his thoughtful contributions to discussion involving the Port Arthur convicts. 

Delphine Sampson - For sharing her positivity and sense of humour whilst respecting the learning of others. 


Week 5 

Anthony Smith - For his consistent kindness to students and teachers and always following classroom expectations.

Bonnie Jennings - For consistently applying the strategies she has learnt to improve all aspects of her reading. 

Billie Brennan - For her increased confidence and efforts when completing independent writing tasks.

Andy-Dean Moss - For his respect and maturity when engaging in discussions during PDH. 

Cooper Simpson - For being a kind and welcoming friend to his classmates.

Terese Stanley - For her ability to problem solve when simplifying fractions in Mathematics. 



Week 4 

Denna McGrady - For students and staff form learning teams (be part of a team). 


Week 5 

Xavier Dixon - For trying hard (persist when things are tough) (English)

Peyton West - For trying hard (persist when things are tough) 

Dennikah Burling - For trying hard (persist when things are tough) 

Science Week

Celebrating Science Week, Year 7 & 8 classes zoomed with Corey Tutt OAM, Kamilaroi man, acclaimed author, founder and CEO of Deadly Science. One of Corey's passions is to encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to consider science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers. First Nations peoples have over 65,000 years of STEM knowledge. They are the first scientists, bakers, engineers, astronomers and more. Corey loved to share some stories about amazing First Nations inventions. Corey shared with students many of the First Nations peoples ways of science one in particular was how to make resin from grasses to help mold their tools, like axes. 

Corey Tutt from Deadly Science showing Year 7 an axe
Corey Tutt from Deadly Science showing Year 7 an axe