
Year 10 and 11 students
Careers interviews with Year 10 students are complete. It has been a joy to learn about the plans for the future being made by our Year 10s. They have put a lot of thought and care into their choices for 2024. Thank you to the homeroom teachers for all their hard work with the students throughout the year and to them and Mr Salloum and Mr Taylor for their assistance during this interview period. Year 11 students have been interviewed on an ‘as needs’ basis. They have also been thinking carefully about their future options.
Year 12 students
One-on-one ‘Pathways Post Aitken’ interviews with Careers staff for VCE students have commenced. Students have been beautifully organised and well prepared to date. We were delighted with the attendance at the VTAC Information Night on Monday 7 August – thank you to the Year 12 students and their parents for being present and to Mr Salloum for his wonderful support and technical expertise.
A lot of information is currently being sent out by universities, TAFE institutes and Independent Tertiary Colleges (ITC). Although this can be a bit overwhelming, and students are already very busy with their Year 12 studies, it is essential students at least skim this information to determine whether it is relevant, so they don’t miss vital cut off dates or other important information.
Timely VTAC applications need to be submitted by 28 September (so there is plenty of time). We are hoping all potential VTAC applicants will have submitted their “first draft” of their preferences by the end of this term. Careers staff assist students with this process during their interviews.
Open Days
Open Days are currently taking place at universities and TAFEs (mostly on Sundays in August). It is very important students visit campuses of the institutions they are interested in attending for many reasons: to see if they ‘like the look and feel of the place’, to ask questions of staff and current students, to obtain detailed information about the courses which interest them, to view the facilities available, and to learn about life on campus. It is essential students have made an informed choice about the institution and the course they enroll in before commencing there in 2024.
Career News 10
Career News Issue 10 is now available and includes information about:
- the ACU ‘Talk with industry’ series
- ACU Year 12 Revision webinars
- Studying Engineering at Deakin University
- The Deakin Pathways Finder
- Swinburne’s Professional Purpose Program
- A Career as a Paramedic
- Biomedicine / Biomedical Science degrees in Victoria
- Science degrees in Victoria
- A Snapshot of Deakin Waurn Ponds campus
- Studying the Bachelor Design (Architecture) / Bachelor Property & Real Estate at Deakin
- The ACU Guarantee Program (Bachelor Physiotherapy now included!)
- La Trobe University’s new major in the Bachelor Health Sciences
- CASPer entry requirements for Teacher qualifications
- Studying Bachelor Oral Health at The University of Melbourne
- Accredited Dietitian programs
- Art, Design & Architecture Term 3 School Holiday programs at Monash University
- Engineering degrees in Victoria
- A Snapshot of VU
- An Agricultural Gap Year
- The Victorian Careers and Employment expo
- The difference between an apprenticeship and a traineeship
- Graphic, Fine Arts, Interior and Visual Design degrees in Victoria
- New Certificate IV courses at Kangan in 2024 – Animal Behaviour & Training and Mental Health
- Collarts Early Access Program and Open Day
- The ACU Thrive program
and much more.
Careers Newsletter on My Aitken
Career News is written and published fortnightly and is available via My Aitken / Resources / School Life / Aitken News / Careers Newsletter / Careers Newsletters – 2023 Editions:
Contact Details
Please contact us via email: and / or
Mrs Clare Borg & Ms Rae Gibbs
Careers Counsellors