Chaplain's Corner

"Go to some place where you can see the sky, and walk up and down a little." St Teresa of Avila
This last week in Chapel, Mr Forward was sharing about looking at the sky on a clear night. The view of the stars in the heavens can leave us wonderstruck at the enormity and beauty of our universe. I wonder how often you have slowed down enough to soak in the beauty of the sky and simply be. It’s a wonderful discipline of meditation or prayer which brings us into the present, slowing down our bodies and brains which are usually overflowing with thoughts.
We took the time in early August to slow down and celebrate a Grief and Loss Service in which we acknowledged the pain of losing loved ones and the grief this causes. Over the last few years students and staff have unfortunately lost people near and dear to their hearts. We sadly even lost a young student in a car accident. In this service we acknowledged our loss and gave thanks for those lives that we continue to grieve. Tapers were lit to commemorate them and where permission had been given their names were read out.
Last Sunday we also commenced a worshipping faith community and a small number of us gathered around the theme of ‘Walking on Water’ from Matthew 14:22-33. Post COVID, many people have not resumed attending church face to face. If you are wanting to explore faith and you are not currently an active member of a church community or are seeking a new one, please come along for a child-friendly service and time together. The pattern for the remainder of the year will be the second Sunday of the month at 5pm in the CPA Foyer. The next service will be 10 September.
Parent Morning Tea
Morning Tea for parents is held from 8:30-9:15am in the CPA foyer on a monthly basis.
Please come along and meet with other parents or talk with staff from our Wellbeing and Chaplaincy departments.
Remaining dates for 2023: 13 September, 18 October and 15 November.
Rev. Gavin Blakemore