Sports Information

Katie Goddard - Sports Coordinator

Athletics Information

Many thanks to so many wonderful volunteers that contributed to our Athletics Carnival last Wednesday. Well done to all the children for their enthusiasm and sportsmanship. Special thanks to all the timekeepers, field event helpers, canteen volunteers and all who made some baked goods for the canteen. Thank you to Ms Traynor for her help in planning the day and finalising point scores for houses and individual students.


Congratulations to the 13 students that have qualified to attend the Diocesan Carnival in Tamworth on Friday 18th August. All carnival information has been sent to parents for this event and consent to attend is through COMPASS. Our successful age champions on the day were as follows: 

Minor Boy - Tyler Stevens

Minor Girl - Claire Horwood 

Junior Boy - William Horwood 

Junior Girl - Grace Groves 

Senior Boy - Coen Gough

Senior Girl - Lexie Horwood 

Championship House on the day went to COX - congratulations to each children from both houses that participated in the day.



Term 3 Sporting School Grant ~ Athletics

For those students who qualify for the Diocesan Athletics Carnival in Tamworth, they will be having a final session of athletics coaching with Mr Frend on Wednesday 16 August (Week 5).

2023 Gunnedah Primary School Touch Gala Day


This carnival is targeted to students in Years 3 - 6 for both male and females. 


Thank you to the parents who have contacted me regarding their child's interest in participating in the Gunnedah Primary School Touch Gala Day to be held in Gunnedah at Donnelly Fields on Tuesday 29 August. The team will be nominated today.


A reminder that parents will need to transport their child/ren to Gunnedah for the Gala Day. 


A Compass Event will be created for parents to give permission for their child to attend which will have details of the day.


Mrs Goddard

Sports Co-ordinator