Connect: Year 4

Dear 4A and 4B families,


Camp forms/payment are due TOMORROW. If your child is not attending camp please let their classroom teacher know as soon as possible. 

The Next Fortnight of Learning



  • Understanding how adverb groups and prepositional phrases work in different ways to provide details within a sentence.
  • Building morphology knowledge. Morphology is the study of the forms of words and morphemes are our languages smallest unit of meaning.


  • BOOK CLUB!!!
  • Combining their knowledge of GST (General Statement, Specific Statement and Thesis Statement) and TEEL to write a persuasive text.


  • Locating and placing tenths and hundredths on a number line.
  • Working tough on problems- how would you go?
  • Constructing data displays such as tables, column graphs and picture graphs.



Students are creating PowerPoint Presentations to show their learning throughout our Science topic. They have five key questions to answer. Looking for to the presentations. 



Students have enjoyed exploring gender norms through visual literature. They will build their knowledge of gender norms by investigating broader literature. 



  • Camp forms/payment
  • Students to read for 20 minutes a day.
  • Daily times tables practise.
  • We seem to be growing school jumpers, many are unable to be returned as they are not named. Please pop your child's name on their jumper so we can return it.

Celebration of Learning 

This has to be our Book Week costumes. Fantastic job to everyone, the students looked terrific. We are impressed with the creative of the students and their supportive families. 


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